Activities|Department of Community and Global Health, The University of Tokyo
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June 13, 2023

Professor Jimba was officially appointed as Professor Emeritus.

We are honored to announce that Professor Jimba was officially appointed as Professor Emeritus as of June 13, 2023. We congratulate again Jimba-sensei's extraordinary achievement during his professorship.

April 1, 2023

4 students join CGH.

Department of Community and Global Health welcomes 4 new master's degree students.

October 27-28, 2021

52nd APACPH (Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium For Public Health) conference was held on October 27th and 28th, 2021, in Surabaya, Indonesia.

当教室博士課程の学生である水上文氏は、この国際会議に参加し、「Determinants of health-related quality of life among systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients in Hanoi, Vietnam」と題した口頭による研究発表を行いました。 新型コロナウイルス感染症のため、発表はオンラインで行われました。 470人いる口頭による発表者の中から、1~3位までのベスト発表者の表彰があり、見事1位に選ばれました。

Aya Mizukami, a PhD student from this department, participated online as an oral presenter due to the COVID-19 travel restrictions. She presented her research entitled「Determinants of health-related quality of life among systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) patients in Hanoi, Vietnam」. Among 470 oral presenters, she was selected as the best oral presenter.

October 24-27, 2021

柴沼晃講師、Rogie Royce Carandang特任助教、坂本ジェニファー理沙特任助教は米国公衆衛生学会年次大会2021にて口頭発表を行いました。
Lecturer Akira Shibanuma, Project Assistant Professor Rogie Royce Carandang, Project Assistant Professor Jennifer Lisa Sakamoto made oral presentations at Annual Meeting and Expo 2021, American Public Health Association.

2021年10月24日から27日に米国コロラド州デンバーで開催された米国公衆衛生学会年次大会2021にて、柴沼講師は「Ad hoc interpretation and its association with the level of understanding doctor’s consultation among international immigrants in Japan」、Carandang特任助教は「Perceived social support and mental well-being of pregnant women and mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review」、坂本特任助教は「Impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on movement and play behaviors of children and adolescents: A systematic review」と題した口頭発表を行いました。

At the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo 2021 held from October 24 to 27, 2021 in Denver, Colorado (US), Lecturer Akira Shibanuma made an oral presentation entitled, “Ad hoc interpretation and its association with the level of understanding doctor’s consultation among international immigrants in Japan.” Project Assistant Professors Rogie Royce Carandang and Jennifer Lisa Sakamoto also made oral presentations entitled, “Perceived social support and mental well-being of pregnant women and mothers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review” and “Impact of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on movement and play behaviors of children and adolescents: A systematic review.”

July 16, 2021

当教室博士課程学生のMohammed BA Sarhanさんが、第11回Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) 年次学会において、ベストポスター賞を受賞しました。
Our Ph.D. student, Mr. Mohammed BA Sarhan, was awarded top prize for best poster at Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) 11th Annual Conference.

2021年7月12日から15日までオンラインで開催された第11回Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) 年次学会にて、当教室博士課程学生のMohammed BA Sarhanさんによるポスター発表「Psychometric properties of an Arabic Language Health Literacy Assessment Scale for Adolescents (HAS-A-AR) in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT)」が、ベストポスター賞を受賞しました。

Our Ph.D. student, Mr. Mohammed BA Sarhan, made his poster presentation on his poster was entitled "Psychometric properties of an Arabic Language Health Literacy Assessment Scale for Adolescents (HAS-A-AR) in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT)" and received top prize for best poster at Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) 11th Annual Conference, held online.

June 5, 2021

Our department hosted the 35th Eastern Regional Conference of Japan Association for International Health on June 5, 2021.

本イベントは、神馬征峰教授の開会挨拶から始まりました。続いて、東京女子医科大学の杉下智彦教授に、「COVID-19 時代の国際協力の展望」と題して基調講演をしていただきました。さらに、特別公演として結核予防会結核研究所の石川信克先生に「バングラデシュ結核対策支援国際協力 40 年の経験より」の講演を行っていただきました。その後、「性と生殖の健康、母子保健、保健人材」と「COVID-19」と題した2つの一般口演セッションが並行して行われました。オンラインでの開催でしたが、皆様には積極的に参加していただき、大変有意義なセッションとなりました。

This event began with opening remarks from Professor Masamine Jimba. This was followed by a keynote speech from Professor Tomohiko Sugishita of Tokyo Women’s Medical University titled “International Cooperation in the Era of COVID-19”. Then, Professor Nobukatsu Ishikawa from the Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan Anti Tuberculosis Association delivered a special speech titled, “Lessons from 40 years of Supporting International Cooperation for Prevention of Tuberculosis in Bangladesh”. Following a short break, two oral presentation sessions were held in parallel. Although the event was held online, all participants were actively involved and it was a very fruitful conference.

April 16, 2021

Project Assistant Professor Rogie Royce Carandang made a presentation at the 63rd Annual Academic Conference of Mongolian National University of Medical Science.

2021年4月16日にオンライン開催された第63回モンゴル国立医科大学年次大会にて、ロジー・ロイス・カランダン特任助教は「Roles of mHealth interventions on the psychosocial outcomes of parents, healthcare providers, and its implications within the COVID-19 context: A systematic review」と題した口頭発表を行いました。

At the 63rd Annual Academic Conference of Mongolian National University of Medical Science, held online on April 16, 2021, Project Assistant Professor Rogie Royce Carandang made an oral presentation entitled “Roles of mHealth interventions on the psychosocial outcomes of parents, healthcare providers, and its implications within the COVID-19 context: A systematic review.”

April 15, 2021

ルワンダのUniversity of Global Health Equity (UGHE) との共同セミナーを開催しました。
We had a joint-seminar with University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), Rwanda.

2021年4月15日にルワンダのUniversity of Global Health Equity (UGHE) と共同セミナーを開催しました。当教室からは、博士課程学生のMohammed Sarhanがパレスチナの青年のヘルスリテラシーについての研究発表を行いました。

On April 15, 2021, we had a joint seminar with the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE), Rwanda. Our Ph.D. student, Mohammed Sarhan, made a presentation about his research on health literacy among Palestinian adolescents.

April 14, 2021

We organized the first Wednesday Seminar in the 2021 academic year.


On April 14, we organized our first Wednesday Seminar to welcome 12 new Master's students and 1 Ph.D. student. The study group leaders also presented the activity plans for their study groups.

April 3, 2021

Our department hosted the 35th Eastern Regional Conference of Japan Association for International Health on April 3, 2021. (Second session)

本イベントは、2021年2月にご逝去された本教室の第3代教授である若井先生を称え、神馬征峰教授の「若井晋先生からのメッセージ」と題した開会挨拶から始まりました。続いて、長崎大学の山本太郎教授に、「ポストコロナ社会の見取り図と、研究者ができること」と題して基調講演をしていただきました。続きまして特別公演として、結核予防会結核研究所の石川信克先生に 「バングラデシュ結核対策支援国際協力 40 年の経験より」の講演を行っていただきました。その後、2つの口頭発表セッション(日本語と英語)が並行して行われ、以下の本研究室の研究員と教師が演題を発表いたしました。

・ラッセル ミラー氏(2020年修士課程修了)
・小杉 穂高(2021年博士課程修了)


This event started with the opening remarks from Professor Masamine Jimba titled, "Messages from Susumu Wakai", honoring Professor Wakai, the third professor of this department, who passed away in February, 2021. Next, Professor Taro Yamamoto from Nagasaki University delivered a keynote speech titled "A blueprint of the society in the COVID-19 era, and what we could do". Professor Nobukatsu Ishikawa from the Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan Anti Tuberculosis Association delivered a special speech titled, "Implementing participatory action research." Later, two oral presentations sessions (Japanese and English) were held in parallel.

・Mr. Russell Miller (A Master’s graduate from this department)
Research title: Addressing emerging patient diversity: Subnational evaluation of multilingual health information in Japan.
・Project Assistant Professor Rogie Royce Carandang
Research title: Roles of the MCH handbook and other home\based records in communication, mothers’ satisfaction, and mother-child bonding: A systematic review.
・Mr. Hodaka Kosugi (A Ph.D. graduate from this department)
Research title: Positive deviance for promoting dual-method contraceptive use among women in Uganda.

Although the event was online, all participants were actively involved and it was a very fruitful session.

March 8, 2021

2021年の世界女性デーに、学生主導型の活動であるStudy groups の Inclusion HealthとGender study groupがジョイントセッションを行いました。
On World Women’s Day, 8th March 2021, Inclusion Health & Gender Study Group had a joint session.

2021年3月8日に、Inclusion Health(リーダー:弓野 綾)とGender(リーダー:水上文)のStudy groupが「Homeless and Inclusion Health: experiences from the UK and Japan」と題したジョイントセッションを行いました。 イギリスからDr. Lucy Potter、日本からはDr. Koichi Nakakukiの専門家2名をお招きして講演をしていただきました。 このセミナーはシリーズ化される予定で、次回は6月開催の予定です。

Inclusion Health (Leader: Aya Yumino) and Gender Study group (Leader: Aya Mizukami) had a joint session on World Women’s Day, entitled “Homeless and Inclusion Health: experiences from the UK and Japan.” Dr. Lucy Potter from UK and Dr. Koichi Nakakuki from Japan were invited as a lecturer. This joint session will be held in a series, and next session will be expected in June.

February 6, 2021

Our department hosted the 35th Eastern Regional Conference of Japan Association for International Health on February 6, 2021 (First session).

本イベントでは、藤田則子先生(国立国際医療研究センター)をお招きし、基調講演「COVID-19時代の人材育成」をしていただきました。続く特別講演では、石川信克先生(結核予防会結核研究所)に、 「バングラデシュ結核対策支援国際協力40年の経験より」その1、Institutional Capacity: 国際人材育成基地としての結核研究所の役割と実績 についてご講演いただきました。 続いて「教育・人材育成」と「その他:外国人医療、COVID-19」に関する口頭発表セッションが行われ、当教室の各員研究員(博士課程修了)の虎頭恭子さんが題目「カンボジアにおける看護学生のコンピテンシー向上のための卒前教育カリキュラム分析」について口頭発表いたしました。

This event started with a keynote speech entitled “Human resource development in the COVID-19 era”, was delivered by Dr. Noriko Fujita from National Center for Global Health and Medicine). Next, Professor Nobukatsu Ishikawa from the Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Japan Anti Tuberculosis Association delivered a special speech titled, “Institutional Capacity: The role and achievement of the Research Institute of Tuberculosis as a focal point of human resource development for global health”. Later, oral presentation session about Education and human resources for health and other topics were held. One of our visiting scientists (a Ph.D. graduate of our department) made an oral presentation entitled “Nursing curriculum analysis in Cambodia to improve nursing students’ competency: a mixed-methods study”.

December 8, 2020

神馬征峰教授はアジア太平洋公衆衛生学術連合(APACPH)の「The APACPH Public Health Recognition Award」を受賞しました。
Professor Jimba received the APACPH Public Health Recognition Award from the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health.

神馬教授は、保健従事者のロールモデルとして永年にわたる公衆衛生への貢献が認められ、アジア太平洋公衆衛生学術連合(APACPH)の2020年学術大会期間中である2020年12月8日に同学会から「The APACPH Public Health Recognition Award」が授与されました

Professor Jimba received the APACPH Public Health Recognition Award  from the Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health for his service as a role model for other health professionals and the contribution to public health, during the annual conference of APACPH, held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 8th December 2020.

November 29, 2020

Dr. Aya Yumino, Ph.D. student, received the Best Msc Thesis Award by University College London Msc Social Epidemiology programme for her MSc thesis in 2019.

博士課程学生の弓野綾さんは、2019年ロンドン大学大学院社会疫学修士課程で作成した修士論文「Barriers to healthcare for people with disabilities in three African countries」において最優秀論文賞The Dr Gilian Stoltman and Dr Joseph Stoltman Prizeを受賞しました。

Dr. Aya Yumino, Ph.D. student, received The Best Msc Thesis Award "The Dr Gilian Stoltman and Dr Joseph Stoltman Prize" by University College London (UCL) Msc Social Epidemiology programme for her MSc thesis in 2019 entitled "Barriers to healthcare for people with disabilities in three African countries."

November 1-3, 2020

Professor Masamine Jimba, Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma, Mr. Kazutaka Sekine, Ms. Yuri Tomita made presentations at Joint Congress of Global Health 2020.

グローバルヘルス関連4学会の年次学術大会(第61回日本熱帯医学会大会、第35回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会、第24回日本渡航医学会学術集会、第5回国際臨床医学会学術集会)として、2020年11月1日から3日までグローバルヘルス合同大会2020がオンライン開催されました。神馬教授は、基調講演2「The situation of COVID-19 in the Western Pacific Region and the role of WHO-Western Pacific Regional Office for COVID-19 Pandemic Response」(演者:葛西健国際保健機関西太平洋事務所長)で座長を務めた他、シンポジウム7「Direction of global health in new normal」(座長:小林潤琉球大学教授)にて講演を行いました。また、神馬教授は、「4学会合同・理事長パネル・ディスカッション」にも登壇しました。柴沼講師は、「外国人患者へ保健医療サービスを提供するための多様な関係機関連携に向けて:地方自治体における環境整備マニュアルの整備 」と題したポスター発表を行いました。博士課程学生の関根一貴さんは、「児童婚による望まない妊娠への因果効果の推計-ネパールにおける横断調査と傾向スコアマッチングを使った研究-」、「避妊具の不使用と思春期の妊娠に影響を与える多元的要因の分析-ネパールのバラ県における質的調査研究の結果-」、「児童婚による多産への因果効果の推計-ネパールにおける横断研究と傾向スコアマッチングを使った研究-」と題したポスター発表を行いました。当教室の修士課程を修了した冨田優理さんは、「出産時ケアの経験と産後のメンタルヘルスの関連:ネパール・ダーディン郡における横断研究」と題した口頭発表を行いました。

Joint Congress of Global Health 2020 was held online from November 1 to 3, 2020, as the annual meetings of four academic societies related to global health. Professor Masamine Jimba served as a chairperson for Keynote Lecture 2 "The situation of COVID-19 in the Western Pacific Region and the role of WHO-Western Pacific Regional Office for COVID-19 Pandemic Response" (by Dr. Takeshi Kasai, Regional Director for the Western Pacific, World Health Organization) and made a presentation in Symposium 7 "Direction of global health in new normal." Professor Jimba also joined the joint panel discussion for the presidents of the four academic societies. Assistant Professor Shibanuma made a poster presentation entitled "Establishing immigrants- and tourists-friendly healthcare systems through enhancing coordination among stakeholders at the local government level in Japan: Development of multi-stakeholder manual for the coordination." Mr. Kazutaka Sekine, a Ph.D. student, made poster presentations on "Identifying causal effect of child marriage on unmet needs for modern contraception and unintended pregnancy in Nepal: a cross-sectional study using propensity score matching," "Multilevel factors influencing contraceptive use and childbearing among adolescent girls in Bara district of Nepal: A qualitative study using the social-ecological model," and "Identifying causal effect of child marriage on high fertility in Nepal: a cross-sectional study using propensity score matching." Ms. Yuri Tomita, a former master degree student, make her oral presentation entitled "Association between delivery care experience and mental health after delivery: A cross-sectional study in Dhading, Nepal."

October 24-28, 2020

Project Assistant Professor Jennifer Lisa Sakamoto and Project Assistant Professor Rogie Royce Carandang made presentations at the Annual Meeting and Expo 2020, American Public Health Association.

2020年10月24日から28日にかけてオンライン開催された米国公衆衛生学会年次大会2020にて、坂本理沙特任助教は「The roles of maternal and child health handbook and other home-based records on newborn and child health: A systematic review」と題した口頭発表を行いました。また、ロジー・ロイス・カランダン特任助教は、「Factors associated with the access and utilization of maternal, newborn and child health services in Russia: A systematic review」と題したポスター発表を行いました。

At the Annual Meeting and Expo 2020, American Public Health Association, held online from October 24 to 28, 2020, Project Assistant Professor Jennifer Lisa Sakamoto made an oral presentation entitled "The roles of maternal and child health handbook and other home-based records on newborn and child health: A systematic review." Project Assistant Professor Rogie Royce Carandang made a poster presentation entitled "Factors associated with the access and utilization of maternal, newborn and child health services in Russia: A systematic review."

June 10, 2020

Students volunteer the translation of the leaflet “Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Countermeasures for Pregnant Women” into 12 languages.


翻訳と配布、NPO法人シェア=国際保健協力市民の会との共同事業として実施しました。翻訳は、シェアのホームページおよびFacebookページ(SHARE MHPJ-Migrant Health Program in Japan)にて紹介されていますが、NHKの国際放送であるNHK world-newsの外国人住民向け新型コロナウイルス感染症情報でも紹介されています

Volunteer Ph.D. and master students (from the Department of Community and Global Health) translated the leaflet into 12 languages about “Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Countermeasures for Pregnant Women” by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare.

This activity was a joint project with  the Services for the Health in Asian & African Regions (SHARE). The translations are posted on the websites of SHARE and the NHK World, Japan's public broadcasting cooperation's international services. The translated leaflet is available on SHARE's Facebook page (SHARE MHPJ-Migrant Health Program in Japan).

April 1, 2020

Department of Community and Global Health welcomes 7 new master students, 6 new Ph.D. students, and 1 research student in April 2020.


February 6, 2020

Professor Masamine Jimba, Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma, Project Assistant Professor Rogie Royce Carandang, and Project Assistant Professor Jenny Lisa Sakamoto attended 6th National Conference on Perinatal Medicine, Russian Federation.

2020年2月6日から8日にロシア・サンクトペテルブルグ市で開催された第6回ロシア周産期医療学会において、神馬教授は「Mother and Child Health Handbook in Russia and Japan: Traditions and Innovations」と題した特別講演を2月6日に行いました。また、同日に開催されたシンポジウム「Mother and Child Health: A Modern Task for the Family and State. Health Handbook as an Effective Tool in Japan: Implementing in Russia」にて、カランダン特任助教と坂本特任助教は、「Home-based Records for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health」と題した口頭発表を行いました。また、同シンポジウムで柴沼助教は司会を務めました。

In the National Conference on Perinatal Medicine: From Pre-pregnancy Care to Healthy Motherhood and Childhood, held in Saint Petersburg, Russia from February 6 to 8, 2020, Professor Jimba made a special lecture entitled "
Mother and Child Health Handbook in Russia and Japan: Traditions and Innovations." In the symposium "Mother and Child Health: A Modern Task for the Family and State. Health Handbook as an Effective Tool in Japan: Implementing in Russia," chaired by Assistant Professor Shibanuma, Project Assistant Professors Carandang and Sakamoto made a presentation entitled "Home-based Records for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health."

December 7 and 8, 2019

Professor Masamine Jimba, Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma, Ms. Kyoto Koto, and Ms. Aki Suzuki attended the 34th Congress of Japan Association for International Health.

2019年12月7日と8日に三重県津市で開催された第34回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会において、神馬教授は同学会理事長として8日に基調講演「脱平均:個性が光る国際保健のために」を行いました。また同日において名古屋大学の天野浩教授とパナソニック株式会社アプライアンス社副社長の小川理子氏による特別講演2(市民公開講座)にて座長を務めました。柴沼晃助教は8日の一般口演3「母子保健1」において「ロシアにおける母子手帳作成支援:編集過程と課題」と題した口頭発表を行いました。博士課程学生の虎頭恭子さんは、シンポジウム1「看護師の国境を超えての移動 -看護資格の多国間相互承認とその影響-」において講演を行いました。博士課程学生の鈴木亜紀さんは一般口演14「地域保健・災害」において「Factors associated with knowledge of avian influenza and biosecurity practices for backyard poultry among children in Bogor, Indonesia」と題した口頭発表を行いました。博士課程学生の福永亜美さんは、ポスター発表2「地域保健」において「Healthy lifestyle index and its association with hypertension among community adults in Sri Lanka: cross-sectional study」と題した発表を行いました。

In the 34th Congress of Japan Association for International Health, held on December 7 and 8 at Tsu-City, Mie, Professor Jimba, as the President of the association, made a keynote speech and chaired the special session by Professor Hiroshi Amano (Nagoya University) and Ms. Michiko Ogawa (Panasonic Corporation) on December 8. Assistant Professor Shibanuma made an oral presentation entitled "Editing a maternal and child health handbook for Russia: Process and challenges." Ms. Kyoko Koto, a Ph.D. student, made a presentation on developing the accreditation scheme for registered nurses in Cambodia as a symposiast. Ms. Aki Suzuki, a Ph.D. student, made an oral presentation entitled "Factors associated with knowledge of avian influenza and biosecurity practices for backyard poultry among children in Bogor, Indonesia." Ms. Ami Fukunaga, a Ph.D. student, made a poster presentation entitled "Healthy lifestyle index and its association with hypertension among community adults in Sri Lanka: cross-sectional study."

November 20-22, 2019

Professor Masamine Jimba and Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma attended the 51st Asia-Pacific Public Health Consortium of Public Health Conference.

2019年11月20日から22日にタイ・バンコク市で開催された第51回アジア太平洋公衆衛生大学院連合年次大会において、神馬教授は20日のPre-conference「Health promotion core competency, innovations and health literacy」で「Diversity and inclusiveness: Who is left behind in the era of society 5.0?」と題した招待講演を行いました。また、22日に「Developing a maternal and child health handbook that addresses a country’s health challenges: Framework of editing procedure under international collaboration」と題したポスター発表を行いました。神馬教授は、22日の口頭発表セッション「Track 9: Health in marginalized population」において座長を務めました。また、柴沼晃助教は、22日に「Patterns of access to maternal, newborn, and child health services by parents’ employment status and health insurance eligibility in Cambodia: A cross-sectional study」と題した口頭発表を行いました。同大会では、客員研究員の大川純代さんによるポスター発表「Maternal and child health handbook as a potential plug to the quality gap in Myanmar」も22日に行われました。

In the 51st Asia-Pacific Public Health Consortium of Public Health Conference, head at Bangkok, Thailand, from November 20 to 22, 2019, Professor Jimba made an invited speech entitled "Diversity and inclusiveness: Who is left behind in the era of society 5.0?" during the pre-conference "Health promotion core competency, innovations and health literacy." Professor Jimba made a poster presentation entitled "Developing a maternal and child health handbook that addresses a country’s health challenges: Framework of editing procedure under international collaboration" and chaired an oral presentation session, "Track 9: Health in marginalized population" on November 22. Assistant Professor Shibanuma made an oral presentation entitled "Patterns of access to maternal, newborn, and child health services by parents’ employment status and health insurance eligibility in Cambodia: A cross-sectional study" on November 22. Visiting Scientist Dr. Sumiyo Okawa also made a poster presentation entitled "Maternal and child health handbook as a potential plug to the quality gap in Myanmar" on November 22.

November 2-6, 2019

柴沼晃助教とRogie Royce Carandang特任助教が米国公衆衛生学会年次大会2019にてポスター発表を行いました。
Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma and Project Assistant Professor Rogie Royce Carandang made poster presentations at Annual Meeting and Expo 2019, American Public Health Association.

2019年11月2日から6日に米国フィラデルフィア市で開催された米国公衆衛生学会年次大会2019にて、柴沼助教は「Expanding female employment and the roles of public health insurance in access to maternal and child health services in Cambodia」、Carandang特任助教は「Efficacy of peer counseling, social engagement, and combination interventions in Filipino senior citizens at risk for depression: A quasi-experimental study」と題したポスター発表を行いました。

In Annual Meeting and Expo 2019, American Public Health Association, head at Philadelphia, the United States, from November 2 to 6, 2019, Assistant Professor Shibanuma made a poster presentation entitled "Expanding female employment and the roles of public health insurance in access to maternal and child health services in Cambodia." Project Assistant Professor Carandang also made a poster presentation entitled "Efficacy of peer counseling, social engagement, and combination interventions in Filipino senior citizens at risk for depression: A quasi-experimental study.

October 21, 2019

Professor Masamine Jimba made a speech in Global Health Forum in Taiwan.

2019年10月20日から21日に台湾・台北の台湾国際会議センターで開催された「台湾グローバル・ヘルス・フォーラム」の全体セッション「Urban Health」において、神馬教授は「Helping the Poor, Not the Places by Using Positive Deviance Approach in Urban Health」と題した講演を行いました。

Professor Jimba made a speech entitled "Helping the Poor, Not the Places by Using Positive Deviance Approach in Urban Health" in Global Health Forum in Taiwan, held in Taiwan International Conference Center, Taipei, Taiwan from October 20 to 21.

August 7 and 8, 2019

博士課程学生のMariam Namasabaさんが、International Conference on Disability Studies 2019においてベストプレゼンテーション賞を受賞しました。
Ms. Mariam Namasaba, Ph.D. student, received Best Presentation Award at  International Conference on Disability Studies 2019.

博士課程学生のMariam Namasabaさんが、2019年8月7~8日にカナダのバンクーバーで開催されたInternational Conference on Disability Studies 2019において、「Coping Patterns and Resilience in Care-Takers of Children with Disabilities: A Mixed Methods Study」と題した発表を行い、ベストプレゼンテーション賞を受賞しました。

Ms. Mariam Namasaba, Ph.D. student, made her oral presentation at International Conference on Disability Studies 2019, held in Vancouver, Canada, entitled "Coping Patterns and Resilience in Care-Takers of Children with Disabilities: A Mixed Methods Study" and received Best Presentation Award.

August 3, 2019

Professor Masmaine Jimba made a special presentation in 1st Japan Nepal Medical Conference.

2019年8月3日にネパールの日本留学医師会が主催し、在ネパール日本大使館の後援にて同大使館で実施された第1回日本ネパール医学会議において、「Great Progress in Health Research in Nepal: But Research for What?」と題した特別講演を行いました。

Professor Masamine Jimba made a special presentation entitled "Great Progress in Health Research in Nepal: But Research for What?" in 1st Japan Nepal Medical Conference, organized by Japan Graduated Medical Doctors in Nepal and supported by Embassy of Japan, Kathmandu, Nepal.

June 14, 2019

世界医師会と日本医師会が共催した「Health Professional Meeting (H20) 2019」において、神馬征峰教授は「健康の安全保障とUHC」セッションの座長を務めました。
Professor Masamine Jimba chaired the session on health security and UHC during Health Professional Meeting (H20) 2019, co-hosted by World Medical Association and Japan Medical Association.

2019年6月13日と14日にヒルトン東京お台場にて開催された「Health Professional Meeting (H20) 2019」において、神馬教授は14日のセッション2「健康の安全保障とUHC」の座長を務めました。

Professor Masamine Jimba chaired the session on health security and UHC on June 14, 2019, during Health Professional Meeting (H20) 2019, co-hosted by World Medical Association and Japan Medical Association, held at Hilton Tokyo Odaiba on June 13 and 14, 2019.

May 20, 2019

Department of Community and Global Health co-hosted Workshop on positive deviance approach with PD Japan.

2019年5月20日に、日本におけるポジデビ(Positive Deviance)手法に関する研究者と実践家グループであるPD Japanと共催で、ポジデビ・アプローチ共同研究会2019を東京大学医学図書館にて開催しました。当日は、柴沼晃助教が「PDを学ぶ、PDを教える」 と題した大学院生に対するPD教育に関する報告を行いました。また、博士課程学生のJulian Natukundaさんが「ポジデビ研究の動向について」と題した文献探索研究結果の報告を、博士研究員のRogie Royce Carandangさんが「フィリピン・ラグナ州におけるデング熱対策」と題した実践報告を行いました。PD Japanからは、職場や保健所などにおける4つの実践報告があり、活発な意見交換がなされました。

Department of Community and Global Health hosted Workshop on positive deviance approach 2019 in collaboration with PD Japan, a group of researchers and practitioners on positive deviance on May 20, 2019, at Medical Library, the University of Tokyo. During the workshop, Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma presented his experience in teaching PD entitled "Learning PD, teaching PD." Ms. Julian Natukunda, a Ph.D. student, made her presentation on literature review entitled "Trends in positive deviance research" and Dr. Rogie Royce Carandang made his presentation on PD study entitled "Dengue Prevention and Control Project in Sta. Cruz, Laguna, the Philippines."

April 28, 2019

Professor Masamine Jimba chaired the session on disparity in access to healthcare in Japan and overseas at General Assembly of the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences.

2019年4月27日から29日まで名古屋国際会議場などで開催された第30回日本医学会総会2019中部において、神馬教授は28日に学術講演 「柱4 グローバル化する日本の医療」「4-4 アジアにおける医療人材育成支援」の「4-4-3患者受け入れと医療者派遣のメリットとデメリット」において座長を務めました。

Professor Jimba chaired the session on disparity in access to healthcare in Japan and overseas on April 28 at Nagoya Congress Center during the General Assembly of the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences held between April 27 and 29, 2019.

April 24 and 25, 2019

ネパール公衆衛生感染症研究センターのAnand Joshi所長の特別講義を開催しました。
Special lecture by Dr. Anand Joshi (Public Health and Infectious Disease Research Center, Nepal) was held.

2019年4月24日と25日に、ネパールの公衆衛生感染症研究センター(Public Health and Infectious Disease Research Center [PHIDReC], Nepal)のAnand Joshi所長による特別講義「Neglected Tropical Diseases: Monitoring and Epidemiological Assessment including Transition from Lymphatic Filariasis to Helminthic Infection.」と「Regional Strategy on Integrated Vector Management: A Success Story for Disease Control」を開催しました。

Dr. Anand Joshi, Public Health and Infectious Disease Research Center [PHIDReC], Nepal held a series of sessions at our department on April 24 and 25. The sessions were entitled "Neglected Tropical Diseases: Monitoring and Epidemiological Assessment including Transition from Lymphatic Filariasis to Helminthic Infection" and "Regional Strategy on Integrated Vector Management: A Success Story for Disease Control."

April 1, 2019

Eight master 1st year students and six Ph.D. 1st year students join our department.

March 31, 2019

当教室研究生のMohammed BA Sarhanさんが、第10回Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) 年次学会において、ベストポスター賞を受賞しました。
Our prospective Ph.D. student, Mr. Mohammed BA Sarhan, was awarded top prize for best poster at Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) 10th Annual Conference.

2019年3月27日から28日までヨルダンのアンマンで開催された第10回Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) 年次学会にて、当教室研究生で本年4月より博士課程学生となるMohammed BA Sarhanさんによるポスター発表「Perceptions of adolescent health literacy in the Palestinian social context: a qualitative study」が、ベストポスター賞を受賞しました。同学会では、医学部学生の古川渉太さんと客員研究員の北村尭子さんによる研究「Evaluating the impact of modern contraceptives use on child health outcomes among Palestine refugees: a cross-sectional study」もポスター発表されました。

Our research student and the prospective Ph.D. student, Mr. Mohammed BA Sarhan, made his poster presentation on his poster was entitled "Perceptions of adolescent health literacy in the Palestinian social context: a qualitative study" and received top prize for best poster at Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) 10th Annual Conference, held in Amman, Jordan. During the conference, Mr. Shota Furukawa, a 6th-year medical student, and his co-author Ms. Akiko Kitamura made his poster presentation entitled "Evaluating the impact of modern contraceptives use on child health outcomes among Palestine refugees: a cross-sectional study."

February 20, 2019

Professor Masamine Jimba held a special lecture in Japan-ASEAN Students Conference.


On February 20, 2019, Professor Jimba held a special lecture for 24 students from 10 ASEAN countries, Timor Leste, and Japan, entitled "Global Health and Health Disparity" at the University of Tokyo. This special lecture was held during Japan-ASEAN Students Conference between February 19 and 26, 2019, as part of Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths, an international exchange program sponsored by the Government of Japan.

December 3, 2018

Department of Community and Global Health held a research exchange workshop with Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University.

2018年12月3日に、ソウル国立大学医学部医学科教授で同学科の教育・研究・政策ユニット責任者のJuhwan Oh教授と3人の医学生が当教室を訪問し、研究交流会を実施しました。ソウル国立大学からは4人の医学生が、インドにおけるハンセン病療養施設に関する質的研究と母子保健と健康保険に関する二次データ分析に関する発表を行いました。当教室からは、オン ケン イン チェン助教、修士課程学生の坂本ジェニファー理沙さんとLynn Thet Su Monさんが研究発表を行いました。

On December 3, 2018, Department of Community and Global Health held a research exchange workshop with Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, led by Professor Juhwan Oh, Professor of International Health Policy and Management. From Seoul National University, four medical students made presentations on the case studies of a leprosy hospital in India and secondary data analysis of maternal health and health insurances in developing countries. From Department of Community and Global Health, Assistant Professor Ken Ong and two master degree students,
Jenny Lisa Sakamoto and Lynn Thet Su Mon, made their research presentations.

December 1, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba was elected as President of Japan Association for International Health.


Professor Jimba was elected as President of Japan Association for International Health (JAIH). JAIH was established in 1986 to contribute to the progress and enhancement of international health, as well as the promotion of academic and cultural activities.

December 1-2, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba chaired an oral presentation session on Universal Health Coverage during 33rd Annual Meeting of Japan Association for International Health. Dr. Sumiyo Okawa, former project researcher at the department received the young researcher's award of Japan Association for International Health.

2018年12月1日から2日に東京都小平市の津田塾大学において開催された第33回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会において、神馬征峰教授が一般口演3「UHC」の座長を務めました。また、友川幸准教授(信州大学教育学部)による一般口演「タイにおける学校保健政策の実施に関する影響要因の分析」に、神馬教授が共著者として参加しました。当教室の修了生であり元特任研究員の大川純代さん(大阪国際がんセンター がん対策センター疫学統計部)が2018年度一般社団法人日本国際保健医療学会奨励賞を受賞しました。

During 33rd Annual Meeting of Japan Association for International Health held at Tsuda University, Kodaira, Tokyo on December 1 and 2, 2018, Professor Jimba chaired an oral presentation session on universal health coverage. Professor Jimba joined an oral presentation on Influencing factors associated with the implementation of school health policy in Thailand, delivered by Dr. Sachi Tomokawa, Shinshu University. Dr. Sumiyo Okawa, a former student and project researcher in our department, received the young researcher's award of Japan Association for International Health in 2018. Dr. Okawa made award-winning speech during the 33st Annual Meeting of Japan Association for International Health.

November 14, 2018

Professor Andre Renzaho, Western Sydney University, held a seminar on migrants and health.

当教室では、2018年11月14日に本学本郷キャンパスにてウェスタン・シドニー大学大学のアンドレ・レンザホ教授を招いて「Globalisation, migration and health: challenges and opportunities」と題したセミナーを開催しました。セミナーでは、世界における難民の現状、途上国とオーストラリアにおける難民支援政策、難民と健康に関する研究について活発な議論がなされました。

A special seminar entitled "Globalisation, migration and health: challenges and opportunities" was held by Professor Andre Renzaho, Distinguished Professor and Professor of Humanitarian and Development Studies, Western Sydney University, on November 14, 2018, at Hongo Campus. During the seminar, Professor Renzaho and participants discussed migrants and health issues under the globalization context, including policy response to increasing migrants and internally displaced populations in developing countries and Australia.

November 10-14, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba, Mr. Rogie Royce Carandang, Ms. Maya Fujimura, and Mr. Ryunosuke Goto made oral presentations at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting 2018.



  • 神馬教授:Combining ideas from the East and the West to make sustainable global health solutions: Lessons from Japan.
  • ロジー・ロイス・カラダンさん:Defining the unmet need for government services and family assistance among community-dwelling elderly Filipinos: A qualitative study.
  • 藤村真耶さん:Future of food safety in Fukushima: To continue or cease monitoring of radiocesium in foods after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture.
  • 後藤隆之介さん:Dissemination and implementation of the e-MCH Handbook, the potential role of m-Health in improving health equity in a refugee setting: A cross-sectional study.

Professor Jimba and two PhD students of the Department of Community and Global Health, Mr. Rogie Royce Carandang and Ms. Maya Fujimura, and a student of the Faculty of Medicine, Mr. Ryunosuke Goto, have all made oral presentations at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting & Expo in San Diego, California between November 10-14, 2018.
Professor Jimba made an oral presentation entitled “Combining ideas from the East and the West to make sustainable global health solutions: Lessons from Japan”.
Mr. Carandang presented a portion of his PhD research titled, “Defining the unmet need for government services and family assistance among community-dwelling elderly Filipinos: A qualitative study”. Mr Carandang also won the APHA’s Steps Challenge, beating out 272 other participants in walking the most steps across the week.
Ms. Fujimura presented a research project in her field titled, “Future of food safety in Fukushima: To continue or cease monitoring of radiocesium in foods after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima Prefecture”.
Mr. Goto presented his experience with working on a mobile app with UNRWA in Jordan, titled “Dissemination and implementation of the e-MCH Handbook, the potential role of m-Health in improving health equity in a refugee setting: A cross-sectional study”.

October 30-November 3, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba chaired a session on diversity and inclusiveness at the 2018 Asia Pacific Health Promotion Capacity Building Workshop.

2018年10月30日~11月3日に台湾・台北市で開催された2018年アジア太平洋ヘルスプロモーション・キャパシティ開発ワークショップにて、神馬教授は10月31日に「Diversity and Inclusiveness」に関するセッションの座長を務めました。
Professor Masamine Jimba chaired a session on diversity and inclusiveness at the 2018 Asia Pacific Health Promotion Capacity Building Workshop, held in Taipei City d between October 30 to November 3, 2018.

October 28-29, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba made a presentation at the 2018 Global Health Forum in Taiwan.

2018年10月28日~29日に台湾・台北市で開催された2018年台湾グローバルヘルスフォーラムにて、神馬教授は10月29日に「The power of health promotion to shrink the universal health coverage cube(UHC cubeを縮小させるヘルスプロモーションの力)」と題した発表を行いました。
Professor Masamine Jimba made a presentation entitled "The power of health promotion to shrink the universal health coverage cube" in Taipei City at the 2018 Taiwan Global Health Forum held between October 28 and 29, 2018.

October 25-27, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba made a presentation at the 6th Asian Health Literacy International Conference in Taichung City in Taiwan.

台湾・台中市で2018年10月25日~27日に開催された第6回アジアヘルスリテラシー国際会議にて、 神馬教授は10月27日に「How to promote a health literate society - experiences from Japan(ヘルスリテレートな社会をいかに推進するか:日本の経験から)」と題した発表を行いました。

Professor Masamine Jimba made a presentation in Taichung city entitled "How to promote a health literate society - experiences from Japan" at the 6th Asian Health Literacy International Conference held between 25 to 27 October, 2018.

October 16, 2018

オン ケン イン チェン助教がラオスのビエンチャンで開催された第12回全国保健研究フォーラムにて口頭発表を行いました。
Assistant Professor Ken Ing Cherng Ong made an oral presentation during 12th National Health Research Forum in Vientiane, Lao PDR.

オン ケン イン チェン助教は、2018年10月16日から17日までラオスのビエンチャンで開催された第12回全国保健研究フォーラムに参加し、「Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency among people in malaria endemic areas in Lao PDR」と題する口頭発表を行いました。この発表は、当教室が参画しているSATREPS研究プロジェクト「ラオス国のマラリア及び重要寄生虫症の流行拡散制御に向けた遺伝疫学による革新的技術開発研究」の一環として、セッション「Research progress of SATREPS – How are results strengthening health education and containing an expanding endemicity of malaria and other parasitic diseases in the Lao PDR?」の一環として行われました。

Assistant Professor Ken Ing Cherng Ong participated in 12th National Health Research Forum held at Vientiane, Lao PDR on October 16-17, 2018. During the forum, Assistant Professor Ong made an oral presentation entitled "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency among people in malaria endemic areas in Lao PDR" on the session "Research progress of SATREPS – How are results strengthening health education and containing an expanding endemicity of malaria and other parasitic diseases in the Lao PDR?" This session was organized by Development of Innovative Research Technique in Genetic Epidemiology of Malaria and Other Parasitic Diseases in Lao PDR for Containment of Their Expanding Endemicity, a SATREPS research project.

October 11, 2018

Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma made a poster presentation during the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research.

柴沼助教は、2018年10月8日から12日にイギリス、リバプールにて開催された第5回保健システム研究国際シンポジウムに参加し、10月11日に「Low coverage and large inequality in the achievement of continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in 58 developing countries.」と題するポスター発表を行いました。

Assistant Professor Shibanuma participated in the 5th Global Symposium on Health Systems Research held in Liverpool, the United Kingdom on October 8-12, 2018. During the symposium, he made a poster presentation entitled "Low coverage and large inequality in the achievement of continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in 58 developing countries."

October 2, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba made a keynote presentation at 18th International Conference of Public Health Sciences organized by the Chulalongkorn University.

2018年10月2日、タイ・バンコク市にて開催された第18回公衆衛生国際会議において、神馬教授は「Health Promotion in Society 5.0 Era(ソサエティー5.0 時代のヘルスプロモーション)」と題した発表を行いました。

At 18th International Conference of Public Health Sciences "Global and Urban Health Issues in 5.0 Era" held on October 2, 2018, at the Mandarin Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. Professor Jimba made a keynote presentation entitled "Health promotion in Society 5.0 Era."

September 26-28, 2018

神馬征峰教授がロシア・ モスクワで開催された ロシア国立産科・婦人科・周産期医学医療研究センター主催の2018年母子保健フォーラムにおいて招待講演を行いました。
Professor Masamine Jimba made an invited speaker presentation at Forum "Mother and Child - 2018" organized by the National Medical Research Center for Obs., Gyn. & Perinatology.

2018年9月26日、ロシア・モスクワ市にて開催された2018年母子保健フォーラムにおいて、神馬教授は「Maternal and Child Health Handbook in Japan and beyond: Cultural characteristics, evolution, and innovation exchange(日本と世界の母子手帳:その文化的特徴、展開、革新性の交流)」と題した招待講演を行いました。

Professor Masamine Jimba made an invited speaker presentation in Moscow entitled "Maternal and Child Health Handbook in Japan and beyond: Cultural characteristics, evolution, and innovation exchange" at Forum "Mother and Child - 2018" organized by the National Medical Research Center for Obs., Gyn. & Perinatology.

September 12-14, 2018

神馬征峰教授、柴沼晃助教、博士課程学生のMoe Moe Thandarさん、虎頭恭子さんが第50回アジア太平洋公衆衛生大学院連合年次大会に参加しました。

Professor Masamine Jimba, Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma, Ms. Moe Moe Thandar, and Ms. Kyoko Koto attended the 50th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference.

神馬教授と柴沼助教、博士課程学生のMoe Moe Thandarさん、虎頭恭子さんは、2018年9月12日から14日までマレーシア・サバ州、コタキナバルで開催されたアジア太平洋公衆衛生大学院連合(APACPH)の第50回年次大会に参加しました。同連合の会長として参加した神馬教授は、9月12日に開催されたシンポジウム「Universal Health Coverage」にて「Shrinking UHC Cube」と題した招待講演を行いました。また、13日の全体会議1「Public Health Responses – Enhancing University Roles」にて議長を務めました。開会式及び閉会式では会長としてスピーチを行いました。柴沼助教は、9月13日の一般口演(母子保健1)にて「Caregivers’ preferences of health services upon childhood diarrhea in Kandal, Cambodia」、一般口演(移民と健康)にて「Use of medical interpreter services and understanding of doctor's consultation among immigrants from Philippines, Nepal, and Vietnam with limited Japanese proficiency in Kanto area, Japan」と題する発表を行いました。博士課程学生のMoe Moe Thandarさんは、一般口演(非感染性疾患1)にて「Need for health education on non-communicable diseases for pregnant women: a cross-sectional study in Myanmar」と題する発表を行いました。同じく博士課程学生の虎頭恭子さんは、ポスター発表(保健人材教育)にて「Assessment of long-term impact of the bridging course in the nursing faculty in Cambodia」と題した発表を行い、最優秀ポスター賞を受賞しました。

Professor Jimba, Assistant Professor Shibanuma, Ms. Thandar, and Ms. Koto attended the 50th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference from September 12 to 14, 2018, held in the Megellan Sutera Resort, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

During the conference, Professor Jimba made an invited speech entitled "Shrinking UHC Cube" at the symposium, "Universal Health Coverage." Professor Jimba chaired the plenary session entitled "Public Health Responses – Enhancing University Roles." Assistant Professor Shibanuma made two oral presentations, "Caregivers' preferences of health services upon childhood diarrhea in Kandal, Cambodia" and "Need for health education on non-communicable diseases for pregnant women: a cross-sectional study in Myanmar." Ms. Thandar made an oral presentation entitled "Need for health education on non-communicable diseases for pregnant women: a cross-sectional study in Myanmar." Ms. Koto made a poster presentation entitled "Assessment of long-term impact of the bridging course in the nursing faculty in Cambodia" and received Best Poster Award.


July 28, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba made a guest speaker presentation at 131st Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association.

2018年7月26日から29日にかけてスリランカ・コロンボ市にて開催された第131回スリランカ医師会国際医学会議において、神馬教授は7月28日に「Roles of medical doctors for community empowerment: Old and new in Japan(コミュニティー・エンパワーメントのための医師の役割:日本における過去と現在の取り組み)」と題した発表を行いました。

At 131st Anniversary International Medical Congress of the Sri Lanka Medical Association held from July 26 to 29, 2018, at the Galadari Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka, Professor Jimba made a guest speaker presentation entitled "Roles of medical doctors for community empowerment: Old and new in Japan."

July 22, 2018

Professor Masamine Jimba made a guest speaker presentation at the 59th Annual General Meeting of the Japanese Society for Social Medicine.


At 59th Annual General Meeting of the Japanese Society for Social Medicine, held at Dokkyo Medical University on July 21 and 22, 2018, Professor Jimba made a guest speaker presentation on advocacy in social medicine.

July 18, 2018

Seminar on public health was conducted with China Medical University (Taiwan).

中国医薬大学(台湾)公衆衛生学院のRo-Ting Lin助教、Vivian Chia-Rong Hsieh助教、Pei-Chun Chen助教が当教室を訪問し、研究発表と今後の学術研究交流に関する協議を行いました。当教室からは、博士課程学生のRakesh Ayerが発表内容は以下の通りです。

Seminar on public health was conducted by welcoming researchers from College of Public Health, China Medical University. We also discussed academic and research exchange between the two universities.

<Title of presentations>
A bibliometric analysis of gaps in research on asbestos-related diseases: A global perspective (Dr. Ro-Ting Lin)
Primary care and good health in LMICs (Dr. Vivian Chia-Rong Hsieh)
Cardiovascular epidemiology research in a community-based cohort (Dr. Pei-Chun Chen)
Improving HIV treatment adherence in the era of universal test and treat in Nepal: a randomized controlled trial of a mobile phone reminder (Rakesh Ayer)

June 20, 2018

Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, signed the agreement on academic exchange with China Medical University (Taiwan).

本学医学系研究科宮園浩平研究科長と神馬征峰教授は、中国医薬大学(台湾)Wen-Hwa Lee学長の表敬訪問を受けました。席上、同大学公衆衛生学院との交流協定の調印式を行い、今後の学術交流について活発な議論を行いました。

Dean Kohei Miyazono, Graduate School of Medicine, and Professor Masamine Jimba received a courtesy visit by Chancellor Wen-Hwa Lee, China Medical University (Taiwan), and held a ceremony for the agreement on academic exchange between Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, and College of Public Health, China Medical University (Taiwan) on June 20, 2018, at Medical Library, Hongo Campus.

May 23, 2018

Adaptive Change!「社会や組織の問題解決法を新たな視点から考える」を開催しました。
Seminar on adaptive change by Dr. Richard Pascale was held.

当教室では、ポジティブ・デビアンス手法普及を進めている「PD Japan」と共催でセミナー・ワークショップ「Adaptive Change!『社会や組織の問題解決法を新たな視点から考える』」を2018年5月23日に本学本郷キャンパス伊藤国際学術研究センターにて開催しました。このセミナーでは、当教室で取り組んでいるポジデビ手法(Positive deviance)の先駆者であるリチャード・パスカル博士(オックスフォード大学ビジネススクール)を招き、ポジデビ手法の根幹となるAdaptive changeについて学びました。当日は教室内外から40名を超える参加者が集まり、「なぜ組織変革は難しいのか」「変革に向けて技術的課題を解決するだけでなくAdaptive changeを引き起こすためにはどうすればいいのか」について、講義と演習を行いました。当日の様子は以下の記事でも紹介されています。

The seminar entitled "Adoptive change! An alternative view on social and organizational problem solving" has been held at Ito International Research Center, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo on May 23, 2018. During the seminar, Dr. Richard Pascale (Associate Fellow, Said Business School, University of Oxford) introduced the concept of adaptive change as a method of problem solving in an organization and society.

April 1, 2018

Ten master students and three research students join our department.

March 30-31, 2018

Executive Council Meeting of Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health was held at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo.


The Executive Council Meeting of  Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) was held at Ito International Research Center, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo on March 30 and 31, 2018. Professor Masamine Jimba  served as a chairperson during the meeting as the president of APACPH.

November 24-26, 2017

Global Health Conference 2017 was held in Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo.

第58 回日本熱帯医学会大会、第32回日本国際保健医療学会学術大会、並びに第21 回日本渡航医学会学術集会の合同大会「グローバルヘルス合同学会2017」として2017年11月24~26日に開催されました。3日間で1,600名の来場者の方々に参加いただき、テーマ「思いは一つ:健康格差の改善」のもとで基調講演(4題)、特別講演(2題)、シンポジウム(37セッション)、口頭演題(25セッション)、ポスター発表(32セッション)が行われました。

Global Health Conference 2017 was held from November 24 to 27, 2017, at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo. This conference was jointly organized by Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine, Japan Association for International Health, and Japanese Society of Travel and Health. Professor Jimba served as Chairman of the 32nd Annual Meeting of Japan Association for International Health during the conference.
(Left: Opening remark by Professor Jimba, Right: Professor Sir Michael Marmot and Professor Jimba after Professor Marmot's keynote speech)

November 1, 2017

Professor Jimba was awarded for his contribution to Global Health Committee in the Japan Medical Association.


Professor Jimba was awarded by the Japan Medical Association for his 10-year service as the chair of its Global Health Committee.

September 13, 2017

UTokyo - Mahidol Research Exchange was held.

マヒドン大学公衆衛生学部のSomchart Torugsa准教授、Nithat Sirichotiratana准教授、Chardsumon Prutipinyo准教授、Vallerut Pobkeeree講師が当教室を訪問し、「UTokyo - Mahidol Research Exchange」を開催しました。

The delegation from Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, visited our department to hold "UTokyo - Mahidol Research Exchange." The delegation consisted of four scholars, Associate Professor Somchart Torugsa, Associate Professor Nithat Sirichotiratana, Associate Professor Chardsumon Prutipinyo, and Dr. Vallerut Pobkeeree. From our department, two Ph.D. students, Ken Ong and Rogie Carandang, made their own dissertation research. From Mahidol University, Associate Professor Nithat Sirichotiratana made his presentation entitled "Blue Zones for Longevity" and Associate Professor Chardsumon Prutipinyo made her presentation entitled "Evaluation of Complementary and Alternative Medicine at a Public Health Community in Thailand."


September 12, 2017

チュラロンコン大学のMyo Nyein Aung先生による特別講義を開催しました。
Dr Myo Nyein Aung made a special lecture on his intervention studies in Thailand.

チュラロンコン大学医学部、世界保健機関医学教育連携センターのMyo Nyein Aung先生による特別講義を2017年9月12日に当教室で開催しました。講義では、カウンセリング、定期的な呼気測定、家族による支援、ニコチン代替療法の組み合わせによる禁煙介入の効果測定や、HIV陽性者ケア拠点を小規模保健施設へ委譲したによる陽性者のケア満足度やスティグマへの効果に関する研究が紹介されました。

Dr. Myo Nyein Aung, International Faculty, WHO collaborating center for medical education and Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, made a special lecture on September 12, 2017, at our department. The lecture introduced two intervention studies that Dr. Myo conducted in Thailand: smoking cessation in primary health care facility setting in Chaing Mai and the effect of task-shifting on the satisfaction and level of stigma among people living in HIV in Chaing Mai.

September 7-9, 2017

Professor Masamine Jimba and Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma participated in Asia Pacific Health Promotion Capacity Building Forum and 1st  Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Taiwan Regional Conference.

神馬教授柴沼助教が2017年9月7日から9日まで台湾の台北医科大学で開催された「アジア太平洋ヘルスプロモーションに関するキャパシティ開発フォーラム」に参加しました。9月7日には、台湾保健福祉省の疾病対策センター、ヘルスプロモーション機関並びに国民健康保険機関を訪問し、台湾とアジア太平洋における疾病対策や保健システム改革について意見交換しました。また、新台北市保健局と亜東紀念病院での老人保健の取り組みを見学しました。9月8日の会議では、神馬教授が「Health Promotion Capacity Building Experience - APACPH」と題した基調講演を行いました。柴沼助教は「International Cooperation on Health Promotion Capacity Building in Japan」と題した講演を行い、ヘルスプロモーション分野での日本の国際協力を紹介しました。

Professor Jimba and Assistant Professor Shibanuma participated in Asia Pacific Health Promotion Capacity Building Forum and 1st Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Taiwan Regional Conference, held in Taipei Medical University, Taiwan, from September 7 to 9. On September 7, they made courtesy visits to Center for Disease Control, Health Promotion Administration, and National Health Insurance Administration under Ministry of Health and Welfare. Then, they visited Department of Health, New Taipei City Government, and Far Eastern Memorial Hospital to learn about their healthcare program for the aged. During the conference on September 8, Professor Jimba made a keynote speech entitled "Health promotion capacity building experience - APACPH." Assistant Professor Shibanuma made a presentation entitled "International cooperation on health promotion capacity building in Japan." Both Professor Jimba and Assistant Professor Shibanuma served as discussants during a panel discussion entitled "Capacity building challenges and lessons learned."

August 20, 2017

Professor Masamine Jimba was inaugurated as the President of Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health.

Professor Masamine Jimba was inaugurated as the President of Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health as of August 20, 2017. His presidency will last for two years.

August 16-19, 2017


Professor Masamine Jimba and Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma attended the 49th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference

神馬教授柴沼助教は2017年8月16日から19日に韓国の延世大学で開催されたアジア太平洋公衆衛生大学院連合(APACPH)第49回年次大会に参加しました。同連合の次期会長として参加した神馬教授は、8月17日に開催されたシンポジウム「ミレニアム開発目標から持続的開発目標へ」の共同議長を務めました。また、閉会式では次期会長としてスピーチを行いました。神馬教授と柴沼助教は、同日に開催されたシンポジウム「途上国における母子保健のサービスの質」に参加しました。神馬教授は共同議長として、柴沼助教は「ガーナEMBRACE実施研究結果」に関する発表を行いました。柴沼助教は、8月18日の一般口演(母子保健1)にて「Risk and time preferences among mothers on childhood illness in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study」と題する発表を行った他、同日の一般口演(母子保健2)とポスターセッション(母子保健)の座長を務めました。

Professor Jimba and Assistant Professor Shibanuma attended the 49th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference from August 16 to 19, 2017, held in Yonsei University International Campus, Incheon, Republic of Korea.

During the conference, Professor Jimba co-chaired the symposium, From MDGs to SDGs, and made a closing remark in the closing ceremony of the conference. In the symposium, "Quality of services as the key to improve maternal, newborn, and child health in developing countries," Professor Jimba served as a co-chair, with Professor LEE Jong-wook, Center for Global Medicine, Seoul National University. During the symposium, Assistant Professor Shibanuma made an oral presentation on the result of Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research. Assistant Professor Shibanuma made an oral presentation entitled "Risk and time preferences among mothers on childhood illness in Cambodia: a cross-sectional study" in the oral presentation session on maternal health 1. He served as co-chair at the oral presentation session on maternal health 2 and poster presentation on maternal health.

April 12, 2017

Six master students, one Ph.D. student, and one research student join our department.


March 31, 2017

新潟県柏崎市で「共に育ち合い(愛)サロン むげん」を運営している増田昌子さんによる市民公開講演「福島原発事故6年 一人の語り部として」を実施しました。
Ms. Masako Masuda talked about her activities to support evacuatees from Fukushima after the nuclear powerplant accidents in 2011.

当教室では、新潟県柏崎市で「共に育ち合い(愛)サロン むげん」の代表を務める増田昌子さんを招き、2017年3月31日に鉄門記念講堂にて市民公開講演「福島原発事故6年 一人の語り部として」を行いました。増田さんは、中越地震、中越沖地震の2回の被災経験と市役所職員としての支援経験から、老若男女問わず誰もが立ち寄り、相談を受けられる場所として「むげん」を2010年に開設されました。原発立地自治体である柏崎市には、東京電力福島第一原発事故後に多くの方が避難されました。本講演では、増田さんによる避難者への支援活動、とりわけ避難者が主体的に生活し、活動できるような支援についてご紹介頂きました。


March 31, 2017

Faculty members and students from San Diego State University visited our department.

サンディエゴ州立大学の教職員45名が、同大学の講義「Applied International Health and Human Services」での日本滞在の一環として、当教室を訪問しました。当日は、当教室の博士課程学生Prakash Shakyaさんが研究発表を行ったほか、サンディエゴ州立大学の学生からも学科紹介や日本滞在の感想など発表があり、日米の保健課題やキャンパスライフについて活発な意見交換が行われました。

During the visit, Dr. Prakash Syakya, Ph.D. student in our department made his research presentation on health service seeking behavior among Nepalese migrants to Japan. Students from Sand Diego State University also made speeches on their research, education, and impressions from visiting Japan.

December 16, 2016

Professor Masamine Jimba contributed an essay in Japanese entitled Samurai to Kokusai Kyoryoku (Samurai and international cooperation) to Synodos, a website for academic issues.

The essay was written in Japanese and accessible at

December 3, 2016

Dr. Junko Saito received the young researcher's award of Japan Association for International Health.



Dr. Junko Saito, a former student in our department who completed her Ph.D. in 2016, received the young researcher's award of Japan Association for International Health in 2016. Dr. Saito made award-winning speech during the 31st Japan Association for International Health Congress in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture, on December 3, 2016. The following former students received the award in the previous years:

Year 2015: Dr. Kyo Takahashi
Year 2014: Dr. Takahashi-Matsumoto Emilie
Year 2013: Dr. Tsuyoshi Akiyama
Year 2009: Dr. Daisuke Nonaka
Year 2007: Dr. Rika Fujiya

November 29-December 1, 2016

16名の保健行政官や研究者を招いて、ガーナ・アクラ首都圏においてワークショップ「Mainstreaming continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana」を開催しました。
16 health administrators and researchers participated in "Mainstreaming continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana" held in Accra, Ghana.

柴沼助教は、ガーナ保健サービス機関と共同で、ワークショップ「Mainstreaming continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana」を2016年11月29日から12月1日までアクラ首都圏のミクリンホテルで開催しました。ガーナ保健サービス機関からは、アブラハムホジソン研究開発局長をはじめ16名の保健行政官や研究者がワークショップに参加しました。参加者は、グループに分かれて母子保健継続ケアについてガーナでの現状を分析するとともに、母子手帳を利用した母子保健サービス利用促進策やサービスの質的改善策について議論しました。
In collaboration with Ghana Health Service, Assistant Professor Shibanuma facilitated the workshop entitled Mainstreaming continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana from November 29 to December 1, 2016 at Miklin Hotel in Accra, Ghana. From Ghana Health Service, Dr. Abraham Hodgson, Director, Research and Development Division, and 15 health administrators and researchers joined the workshop. During the workshop, participants health systems analysis on continuum of care and discussed how health systems will be improved using newly piloted Maternal and Child Health Handbook in Ghana.

November 23-25, 2016

Professor Masamine Jimba and Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma, together with current and former staff and students, participated in the 10th International Conference on Maternal and Child Health Handbook.


また、神馬教授が研究責任者を務めるガーナEMBRACE実施研究からは、アブラハム・ホジソン博士(ガーナ保健サービス研究開発局長)とパトリック・アボワジ博士(ガーナ保健サービス家族保健局長)が全体会合にて「CoC Card: a tool for improving continuum of MNCH care」とのタイトルで招待講演を行いました。元学生の北村堯子さん(現・国連パレスチナ難民救済事業機関)が「パレスチナ難民と母子健康手帳」とのタイトルの招待講演を行いました。元スタッフの名西恵子講師(東京大学医学部・大学院医学系研究科国際交流室)が11月24日の分科会2にて日本の母子保健の諸課題と母子手帳に関する発表を行いました。


At the 10th International Conference on Maternal and Child Health Handbook, held in Tokyo between November 23 and 25, 2016, Professor Jimba and Assistant Professor Shibanuma served as co-facilitators, together with Dr. Grace Alake, Sub-Director for Immunization in the Department of Family Health, Ministry of Public Health, Cameroon at the workshop session "To ensure the sustainable MCH Handbook programs." During the session, presenters from Thailand and Indonesia introduced how they sustained Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Handbook programs for more than 20 years. Then, participants discussed various sustainability issues, including goal setting for MCH Handbook programs, institutionalization of MCH Handbook into MCH policy and service provision, enhancement of understanding among users, and continuous update of MCH Handbook through rigorous monitoring and evaluation.

During the conference, Dr. Abraham Hodgson and Dr. Patrick Aboagye, Ghana Health Service, made a speech entitled "CoC Card: a tool for improving continuum of MNCH care." Ms. Akiko Kitamura, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), made a speech entitled "MCH Handbook and the CoC for Palestine Refugees and UNRWA." Dr. Keiko Nanishi, former faculty staff in our department, made a presentation on Japan's MNCH and MNCH Handbook during the workshop session.

November 21-25, 2016

ガーナの保健行政官を招いて、ワークショップ「Mainstreaming continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana」を開催しました。
Department of Community and Global Health invited health administrators from Ghana and held the workshop "Mainstreaming continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana."

当教室では、ガーナ保健サービス所属の3名の保健行政官(Dr. Abdul-Razak Issac Dokurugu, Deputy Director, Regional Health Directorate, Upper East Region; Mr. Kwame Kesse Adjei, Kintampo Health Research Centre; Dr. Gifty Ofosua Ofori Ansah, Director, Ningo Pram Pram District Health Directorate)を招聘して、ワークショップ「ガーナにおける母子保健継続ケア主流化」を実施しました。同ワークショップでは、ガーナにおける母子保健継続ケアの現状を分析するとともに、母子保健政策とサービス提供の現場においてどのように継続ケアを主流化していくか議論しました。同ワークショップには、2016年11月23日から東京で開催された第10回母子手帳国際会議に招聘された2名のガーナ保健行政官(Dr. Abraham Hodgson, Director, Research and Development Division; Dr. Patrick Kuma Aboagye, Director, Family Health Division)も参加しました。本ワークショップは、国立研究開発法人国立国際医療研究センターによる「平成28年度医療技術等国際展開推進事業」により実施されました。

The workshop, "Mainstreaming continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana," was held at the University of Tokyo by inviting three health administrators from Ghana Health Service (Dr. Abdul-Razak Issac Dokurugu, Deputy Director, Regional Health Directorate, Upper East; Mr. Kwame Kesse Adjei, Kintampo Health Research Centre; Dr. Gifty Ofosua Ofori Ansah, Director, Ningo Pram Pram District Health Directorate). During the workshop, participants analyzed the situation regarding continuum of care in maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana and discussed policies and health service provisions that can accelerate continuum of care. Two high-level health administrator from Ghana Health Service invited by the 10th International Conference on Maternal and Child Health Handbook (Dr. Abraham Hodgson, Director, Research and Development Division; Dr. Patrick Kuma Aboagye, Director, Family Health Division) also joined the workshop. The workshop was supported by National Center for Global Health and Medicine.

November 14-18, 2016

Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma made a poster presentation at Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research.

柴沼助教は、2016年11月14日から18日にカナダ・バンクーバー市で開催された「第4回保健システム研究に関する国際会議」にてポスター発表を行いました。会議中、柴沼助教は「Continuum of care interventions improved service seeking behaviors among women in maternal and newborn health in Ghana: a cluster randomized control trial.」と題した発表で、当教室が独立行政法人国際協力機構やガーナ保健サービスとともに実施してきたガーナEMBRACE実施研究のインパクト評価結果を紹介しました。同研究による介入実施により、妊娠期から産後にかけて必要な保健サービスを受診した女性とその子の割合を示す継続ケア完了率が介入群で有意に上昇したことを示しました。また、その上昇には地域保健を担う小規模な一次保健施設の役割が大きいことを示唆しました。また、同研究からは、九州大学の菊地君与講師、ハーバード大学公衆衛生大学院の大川純代さん、ガーナ・ナブロンゴ保健研究センターのFrancis Yejiさんがポスター発表を行いました。

Assistant Professor Shibanuma made poster presentation at Fourth Global Symposium on Health Systems Research, held in Vancouver, Canada, between November 14 and 18, 2016. During the symposium, Assistant Professor Shibanuma made a poster presentation entitled "Continuum of care interventions improved service seeking behaviors among women in maternal and newborn health in Ghana: a cluster randomized control trial." This presentation introduced the effect of the intervention packages under Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research, conducted by our department together with Ghana Health Service and JICA International Cooperation Agency. From Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research Project Team, Dr. Kimiyo Kikuchi (Kyushu University), Dr. Sumiyo Okawa (Harvard University), and Mr. Francis Yeji (Navrongo Health Research Centre) made poster presentations.

November 2, 2016

Professor Jimba made a ​presentation​ ​at the 2016 International Positive Deviance Conference.

2016年1​1​月2日、神馬教授が​デンマークのコペンハーゲン​で開催されたポジティブ・デビエンス25周年記念国際会議にて講演をしてきました。タイトルは「​Leveraging and scaling up PD to go to the next level​」というもの。単一課題をテーマとしたポジティブ・デビエンス・アプローチを、てことして、いかに多分野への影響力をもちうるものに発展させていけるか、またスケールアップをいかになしうるかについて講演し、議論してきました​。

On November​ 2, 2016, Professor Jimba made a ​presentation​ at the 2016 International Positive Deviance Conference, held in Copenhagen, Denmark. ​​His title was 'leveraging and scaling up PD to go to the next level.' He talked about how a single topic PD approach can be​ leveraged to other PD actions and also ​​introduced a scaling-up model from his experiences in global health.​

October 30, 2016

Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma made an oral presentation at 144th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo.

柴沼助教は、米国コロラド州デンバーで開催された第144回米国公衆衛生学会年次総会の国際保健・母子保健セッションにて「A causal effect of referral during pregnancy on maternal and neonatal complications in Ghana: An instrumental variable approach.」と題した口頭発表を行いました。

Assistant Professor Shibanuma made an oral presentation entitled "A causal effect of referral during pregnancy on maternal and neonatal complications in Ghana: An instrumental variable approach." at 144th Amerian Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, held in Denver, Colorado between October 29 and November 3.

October 26-28, 2016

Professor Masamine Jimba gave a lecture at the 75th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health. Our graduate and project researcher in the University of Tokyo, Dr. Junko Saito, reported her study regarding domestic passive smoking. Dr. Yukako Komasa, also our graduate and project lecturer in the Dokkyo Medical University, reported her study related to the attempt to reduce the anxiety against nuclear radiation and the environmental effect of the radioactive substance.




1. 「福島県二本松市における放射線不安軽減策の試み」
2. 「福島県二本松市の自家消費用食品に含まれる放射性セシウム検出率の経年変動について」

During the 5th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health (from 26-28 October, 2016) held in Osaka City, Professor Jimba gave a lecture on 26 October. Its title was "Human resource development for health promotion advocacy."

Dr. Junko Saito, our graduate and project researcher in the University of Tokyo, presented the following study as a main author. Its title was "What factors are associated with breaking or not creating the smoke-free home policies among smoking parents with young children?"

Dr. Yukako Komasa, also our graduate and project lecturer in the Graduate School of Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University, worked together with the Department of Health Promotion, Nihonmatsu city in Fukushima and her colleague, reported her study with co-authors. Their titles were as follows:

1. Attempt to reduce the anxiety against nuclear radiation in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima.
2. Inter annual change of radioactive cesium contamination in food for personal consumption in Nihohmatsu City, Fukushima. (Poster presentation)

October 23, 2016

神馬教授が台湾保健省主催の2016 グローバルヘルスフォーラムで講演しました。
Professor Jimba made a presentation during the 2016 Global Health Forum in Taiwan: Towards 2030: A Global Health Agenda.

2016年10月23日、神馬教授が台湾保健省主催の2016 グローバルヘルスフォーラムに参加し、 'Leaving-no-one-behind in Southeast Asia: how we can make it real? 'というタイトルで講演してきました。

On 23 October, 2016, Professor Jimba attended the 2016 Global Health Forum in Taiwan: Towards 2030: A Global Health Agenda organized by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Health Promotion Administration of Taiwan. It was held in the Howard Civil Service International House in Taipei and he made a presentation entitled, 'Leaving-no-one-behind in Southeast Asia: how we can make it real? '

October 20, 2016

Professor Jimba made a round table lecture for the Rotary Club of Takaoka in Toyama Prefecture.


On October 20th, 2016, Professor Jimba made a round table lecture for the Rotary Club of Takaoka in Toyama Prefecture. His title was how to get rooted, and continue to be rooted in global health. He emphasized the importance of having a direct experience in global health; however, just once is not enough, much deeper experiences at different dimensions can help us to remain in this exciting field.

October 15, 2016

Professor Masamine Jimba and Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma edit the new series of articles on positive deviance approach in the Journal of Public Health Practice.


Professor Jimba and Assistant Professor Shibanuma edit the new series of articles on positive deviance approach in the Journal of Public Health Practice, a Japanese language journal on public health for practitioners and researchers. In this series, Professor Jimba wrote the first article entitled "What is positive deviance approach?"in the journal's November 2016 issue.

September 28 - October 1, 2016

Professor Masamine Jimba attended APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) Global Health Program Workshop, held at the University of New South Wales, Australia.


Professor Jimba attended 2016 APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) Global Health Program Workshop from September 28 to October 1, 2016, held at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. As one of advisory group members, he chaired one concurrent panel: health systems. He was very lucky to get an APRU T-shirt by a raffle at the end of the workshop.

September 16-19, 2016

Professor Masamine Jimba attended the 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference as the President-Elect.


Professor Jimba attended the 48th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health Conference as the President-Elect of Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) from September 16 to 19, 2016, held in Teikyo University, Tokyo Japan.

During the conference, Professor Jimba made one presentation entitled 'Competency of public health professionals to achieve universal health coverage: the APACPH perspective.' He also served as a commentator for the symposium on school health.

September 14, 2016

研究セミナー「Sustainable Public Health Actions in Asia: UTokyo and Taiwan Health Research Exchange」を開催しました。
Researchers from Japan, Taiwan, and Cambodia joined the seminar entitled "Sustainable Public Health Actions in Asia: UTokyo and Taiwan Health Research Exchange."

当教室では、2016年9月14日に本学本郷キャンパス医学教育研究棟第6セミナールームにて、研究セミナー「Sustainable Public Health Actions in Asia: UTokyo and Taiwan Health Research Exchange」を実施しました。同セミナーには、台湾の台北医科大学のHung-Yi Chiou副学長、Ya-Wen Betty Chiu教授、高雄医科大学のShih-Huai Hsiao講師をはじめ、両大学から先生方と学生の皆さんが参加しました。本学博士課程の修了生からは、Dr. Yi Siyan (KHANA Center for Population Health Research代表)がトランスジェンダーの女性に関するHIV感染に関する研究を、高橋競特任研究員(東京大学高齢社会総合研究機構)が、高齢者の虚弱を防ぐための評価法と市民参加による健康増進活動に関する研究をそれぞれ紹介しました。当教室からは、研究生のDr. Ram Silwalがネパールにおける女性保健ボランティア活動を紹介し、柴沼晃助教がガーナにおいて合併症をもつ妊婦を拠点病院にリファラルする活動が出産後の合併症減少に及ぼす効果について研究発表しました。

Department of Community and Global Health held a research seminar entitled "Sustainable Public Health Actions in Asia: UTokyo and Taiwan Health Research Exchange" on September 14, 2016, at Seminar Room No. 6, Experimental Research Building, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo. Professors joined the seminar from Taiwan included Professor Hung-Yi Chiou, Vice President, Professor Ya-Wen Betty Chiu, Director and Professor, Master Programme in Global Health and Development (both from Taipei Medical University) and Dr. Shih-Huai Hsiao, Lecturer, Department of Public Health, Kaohsiung Medical University. Scholars who completed Ph.D. studies in our department presented their current research: Dr. Yi Siyan, Director, KHANA Center for Population Health Research and Dr. Kyo Takahashi, Project Researcher, Institute of Gerontology, the University of Tokyo. From our department, Dr. Ram Silwal introduced the activities of female village health volunteers in Nepal and Assistant Professor Shibanuma presented his recent research on a causal relationship between pregnancy referral and post-delivery complications.

August 6, 2016

神馬征峰教授、柴沼晃助教がカンボジア・プノンペンでの「UTokyo Alumni Forum」にて講演しました。また、同地での東京大学カンボジア同窓会設立会合に参加しました。
Professor Jimba and Assistant Professor Shibanuma joined UTokyo Alumni Forum and Inaugural Meeting of the University of Tokyo Alumni Association in Cambodia.

神馬教授柴沼助教は、2016年8月6日にカンボジア・プノンペン都のカンボジア日本人材協力センターにて開催された「UTokyo Alumni Forum」に参加しました。神馬教授は、「Sustainability Challenge in Cambodia: From Global Health Experiences」と題した講演を行い、柴沼助教は討論者として参加しました。また、同日に開催された東京大学カンボジア同窓会設立会合にも参加し、神馬教授は五神真総長のメッセージを代読しました。東京大学カンボジア同窓会会長は、当教室修了生のDr. Yi Siyanが務めています。

At UTokyo Alumni Forum held at Cambodia Japan Cooperation Center in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Professor Jimba made speech on "Sustainability Challenge in Cambodia: From Global Health Experiences." Assistant Professor Shibanuma joined the forum as a discussant. Both Professor Jimba and Assistant Professor Shibanuma joined the inaugural meeting of UTokyo Cambodia Alumni Association held after the forum. Dr. Yi Siyan, a graduate of our department and Director, KHANA Center for Population Health Research, serves as President of the University of Tokyo Alumni Association in Cambodia.

July 1, 2016

Professor Jimba was re-elected as President of the Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion as of July 1, 2016.


Professor Jimba was re-elected as President of the Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion. Professor Jimba has been serving as Chairman since July 2014.

May 24, 2016

Professor Jimba was elected as a member of the Global Executive Board (2016-2019) and Regional Vice-President for Northern Part of Western Pacific, International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE).

April 30 and May 1, 2016

博士課程学生のPrakash Shakyaさんと修士課程学生のRicha Shahさん、Gautam Dipendraさんが、栃木県大前町にて在住ネパール人向けの無料健康診断プログラムを実施しました。
Ph.D. and master students held free health check-up program for Nepalese in Tochigi and Gunma.

東京大学と足利工業大学のネパール人留学生が、栃木県大前町の足利工業大学同窓会館にて群馬県と栃木県在住のネパール人向け無料健康診断会「Nepalese Health Camp」を実施しました。同会では、日本での医師、看護師等のネパール人、日本人有資格者も含めて約30人が健康診断を提供し、初日の4月30日には約100人のネパール人在住者が参加しました。同会の模様は、下野新聞やNHK首都圏ニュースでも紹介されました。当教室からは、博士課程学生のPrakash Shakyaさんと修士課程学生のRicha Shahさん、Gautam Dipendraさんが参加しました。下野新聞)

Nepalese students at the University of Tokyo and Ashikaga Institute of Technology organized a health check-up for Nepalese people living in Tochigi and Gunma Prefectures on April 30 and May 1, 2016. This program, "Nepalese Health Camp," was planned and organized by 30 Nepalese and Japanese doctors, nurses, and students to help Nepalese people in Japan provide an opportunities to receive check-ups for free. From our department, Ph.D. student Dr. Prakash Shakya, Master students Ms. Richa Shah and Dr. Gautam Dipendra joined the program.

March 19-20, 2016

Two-day seminars on the continued impact of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident.

東日本大震災の発生から5年を迎えるのに先立ち、福島第一原発事故による福島県内外での課題について整理・共有を図るための研究会議(セミナー)を、本学本郷キャンパス医学部3号館にて2016年3月19日、20日に開催しました。19日の会議では、県外避難者支援を継続的に行っている新潟県柏崎市の増田昌子氏(共に育ち合いサロン「むげん」代表)が、新潟県中越沖地震の経験をもとに、原発事故の発生した直後からはじめた支援活動とその内容の変遷について報告しました。増田氏は、メディアで報じられることのない現実の有様、 原発事故で影響を受けた家族のアフターケアの日々の様子について語りました。増田氏は、避難した家族や子供たちの心理的なケアを継続的に行っていくことの必要性と重要性を強調しました。20日の会議では、現在も避難指示区域となっている福島県飯舘村住民の伊藤延由氏が、住民の目線で続けている環境調査からみる村内の現状と、避難継続中の日常生活における課題について報告しました。伊藤氏は、当局から住んでも安全といわれている村落でも、実際はそうではないということを自らの健康を犠牲にして放射線量を測定することにより訴えました。 伊藤氏自身による飯舘村の外部放射線量についての発見とデータをもとに、長期間低い放射線にさらされることの危険性と外部放射線量を継続的にモニターしていくことの必要性について論じました。

These seminars were held just before the five-year mark of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident. Two key persons made presentations about their activities in facilitating the rehabilitation of the nuclear power plant accident effects in various ways.

On February 19th, Masako Masuda, resident of Niigata prefecture, discussed the behind-the-scenes moments, often ones not covered by the media, of the after care of families affected by the nuclear accident. Masuda's activities include the mental, social, and emotional support and guidance for evacuees from Fukushima who now live in Niigata prefecture at her saloon, "Tomoni Sodachiai Saloon, ‘Mugen’". Masuda advocated for the need and importance of continuing psychosocial activities for evacuated families and the children. On February 20th, Nobuyoshi Ito, who is a key member of nuclear radiation research and radiation monitoring in Iitate-mura, Fukushima, made a presentation about this the formally-evacuation zone. Although the village has been cleared as safe to reside in by the authorities, Ito argued differently by sacrificing his own health to measure the radiation levels. With his reported findings and data of the external radiation doses from Iitate-mura, he discussed the dangers of the long-term low dose radiation exposure and the importance for the necessity of continued monitoring of the external radiation doses in the area.

March 14, 2016

UTokyo - Khon Kaen University Global Health Seminar was held to discuss global health issues from the community perspective.

コンケン大学からAssociate Professor Dr. Prachak Bouphan准教授をはじめ37名の教職員と大学院生が来日したのに合わせ、当教室では「東大-コンケン大学国際保健セミナー」を本学医学部3号館にて開催しました。セミナーでは、当教室が独立行政法人国際協力機構やガーナ保健サービス機関とともに実施している「EMBRACE実施研究」を柴沼晃助教が紹介した他、大川純代特任研究員と博士課程のKhem Poukelさんがそれぞれ研究発表を行いました。コンケン大学からも、3人の修士課程学生が研究プロポーザルを発表しました。

Department of Community and Global Health held "UTokyo - Khon Kaen University Global Health Seminar" on March 14, 2016 at the University of Tokyo. 37 participants from Khon Kaen University led by Associate Professor Dr. Prachak Bouphan joined the seminar. Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma made a presentation on Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research and its implications on the global health policy of the Government of Japan. Dr. Sumiyo Okawa and Mr. Khem Poukel made presentations on their own field research regarding people living with HIV. From Khon Kaen University, three master students made their own dissertation research proposals.

March 7, 2016

Dr. Nobuko Yamaguchi won the Japanese Leprosy Association Award.

当教室修士課程の修了生で、現在は埼玉県立大学看護学科講師としてご活躍されている山口乃生子先生が、平成27年度日本ハンセン病学会の学会賞を受賞されました。今回の受賞は、山口先生が当教室神馬教授らとともに執筆された「Health-related quality of life, depression, and self-esteem in adolescents with leprosy-affected parents: results of a cross-sectional study in Nepal (BMC Public Health, 2013)」によるものです。授賞式は、2016年6月7日に群馬県吾妻郡草津町で開催される第89回日本ハンセン病学会総会・学術大会にて行われる予定です。同大会にて山口先生による受賞講演が予定されております。

Dr. Nobuko Yamaguchi, Lecturer at Department of Nursing, Saitama Prefectural University, won the Japanese Leprosy Association Award in 2015 for her article, Health-related quality of life, depression, and self-esteem in adolescents with leprosy-affected parents: results of a cross-sectional study in Nepal (BMC Public Health, 2013), co-authored with Professor Masamine Jimba. The award ceremony and award lecture will be held on June 7, 2016, during the 89th Annual Meeting of Japanese Leprosy Association.

February 22 - 24, 2016

Preliminary Results from Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research was disseminated during Ghana EMBRACE International Conference help in Accra, Ghana.

産前から産後まで継続的なケアの受診により母子の健康状態を改善することに焦点をあてた支援モデル(Ensure Mothers and Babies Regular Access to Care: EMBRACEモデル:EMBRACE)に関する国際会議がアクラで開催されました。会議には神馬教授、名西助教、柴沼助教、菊地特任助教、大川特任研究員が参加し、ガーナ人研究者メンバーとともにガーナEMBRACE実施研究の予備結果を発表しました。これによると、産前から産後までに必要なケアを継続的に受診した女性は、1年間の介入で8%から50%近くまで上昇しました。会議には在ガーナ日本大使、および保健省、国連機関、開発パートナー、地方・郡保健センターの代表者らが出席しました。このほかキーノートスピーカーや代表者がケニヤ、セネガル、ブルンジ、ナイジェリアから参加しました。この様子はガーナのメディアでも広く取り上げられました。

The international conference of Ghana EMBRACE Model (Ensure Mothers and Babies Regular Access to Care), Continuum of Care for Mothers and Infants, was held in Accra. Together with Ghanaian research members, Prof. Jimba, Dr. Nanishi, Mr. Shibanuma, Dr. Kikuchi, and Dr. Okawa released the preliminary findings of the Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research. According to the findings, women who completed all the essential elements of continuous care from pregnancy to the postnatal period has increased from 8% to nearly 50% within a year of intervention. The Ambassador of Japan to Ghana, representatives and dignitaries from Ministry of Health, United Nations, development partners in Ghana, and regional/district health centres were present. The keynote speaker and representatives were also invited from Kenya, Senegal, Burundi, and Nigeria. The conference was covered by many Ghanaian media as follows.

MC Modern Ghana

Ghana News Agency, GNA

News Ghana

February 21, 2016

The workshop entitled “Developing skills for mobilizing advocacy for health promotion approaches to non-communicable disease prevention: from evidence to influence” was held at the University of Tokyo.

東京大学医学部キャンパスにて,日本健康教育学会主催ワークショップ「NCD予防に向けたヘルスプロモーションアプローチのためアドボカシー(政策提言)スキル向上セミナー:エビデンスから影響力へ」が開催されました。今回は肥満、運動、禁煙、職域、学校などのヘルスプロモーションについて長年の実績と数多くの業績のあるTrevor Shilton 教授をオーストラリアから招き、アドボカシーの基本的な手法の習得を目指したワークショップを行いました。

This workshop was held at Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo on February 21, 2016, organized by Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion. Professor Trevor Shilton, Director of Cardiovascular Health, National Heart Foundation of Australia. Professor Shilton has long involved in promoting physical activities and NCD prevention. During the workshop, the participants learned fundamental skills for advocacy.

December 5, 2015

Professor Masamine Jimba won the Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine Award of Excellence.


At the 56th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Tropical Medicine (JSTM), Prof. Masamine Jimba won the JSTM Award of Excellence in 2015.

November 29 - December 4, 2015

Dr. Sumiyo Okawa, Dr. Linda Mlunde, and Dr. Bruno Sunguya (Lecturer of Muhimbili University) made oral and poster presentations at 18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA).

2015年11月29日~12月4日にジンバブエ・ハラレ市で第18回エイズ・性感染症国際会議アフリカ大会(18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa)が開催され、当教室より3名が参加しました。口頭発表部門においては、大川特任研究員が「Emerging challenges among perinatally infected adolescents in Zambia: poor mental health and non-adherence to ART」、元博士課程学生で現在ムヒンビリ大学講師のブルーノ・スングヤ博士が「Improving feeding practices and nutrition status of HIV-positive children in Tanga, Tanzania: the roles of health workers’ nutrition training」と題して発表を行いました。ポスター発表部門において、博士課程学生のリンダ・ムルンデさんが「HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted infections testing among people who inject drugs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a need to increase service coverage」、ブルーノ・スングヤ博士が「Poor feeding practices among HIV-positive children living in food rich region - a call for tailored feeding counseling」と「Nutrition training based on new guidelines for management of HIV-positive children improves competence of mid level providers caring for HIV-positive children in Tanga, Tanzania」と題して発表を行いました。

The 18th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa (ICASA) was held in Harare, Zimbabwe from November 29 to December 4, 2015, one of the major international conferences on HIV. Three researchers from our department attended the conference and made presentations.

In the oral presentation sessions, Dr. Sumiyo Okawa made a presentation entitled "Emerging challenges among perinatally infected adolescents in Zambia: poor mental health and non-adherence to ART." Dr. Bruno Sunguya, Lecturer at Muhimbili University and a former doctoral student at the department, made a presentation entitled "Improving feeding practices and nutrition status of HIV-positive children in Tanga, Tanzania: the roles of health workers’ nutrition training."

In the poster sessions, Dr. Linda Mlunde, a doctoral student, made a presentation entitled "HIV, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and sexually transmitted infections testing among people who inject drugs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a need to increase service coverage." Dr. Sunguya made two presentations entitled "Poor feeding practices among HIV-positive children living in food rich region - a call for tailored feeding counseling," and "Nutrition training based on new guidelines for management of HIV-positive children improves competence of mid level providers caring for HIV-positive children in Tanga, Tanzania."

November 30, 2015

A special lecture on public health response to the earthquake in Nepal.

2015年11月30日、カトマンズ医科大学地域医療学部長のDr. Sunil Kumar Joshiが「Earthquake in Nepal: From Pray to Public」と題した講義を行いました。講義では、本年4月のネパール大地震における被害状況、保健サービス復旧への取り組みなどが紹介されました。

A special lecture entitled "Earthquake in Nepal: From Pray to Public" was held on November 30 by Dr. Sunil Kumar Joshi, Professor and Head of Community Medicine (Family Medicine) Department at Kathmandu Medical College, Nepal. Dr. Joshi introduced the damage of the earthquake in April 2015 and the response to the earthquake from the public health point of view.

November 24, 2015

世界5大学の国際保健・公衆衛生大学院による連携講義「Global Health Live」で受講生が作成したビデオが紹介されています。
A series of videos produced by students from 5 graduate schools of global health and public health were available to watch.

2015年9月から12月にかけて、環太平洋大学協会(Association of Pacific Rim Universities; APRU)国際保健プログラム(APRU Global Health Program)に参加している世界の5大学院による遠隔講義「Global Health Live」が開催されました。東京大学大学院医学系研究科国際保健学専攻の他、カリフォルニア大学アーバイン校、南カリフォルニア州立大学、国立台湾大学、及び香港中文大学から学生が参加し、講義と共同実習を行いました。共同実習の成果として作成された国際保健に関するショートビデオが、APRUのウェブサイトで紹介されています。

From September to December 2015, an online collaborative lecture, Global Health Live is held by five graduate schools which participate in APRU Global Health Program, Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU). In addition to School of International Health, Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo, University of California Irvine, University of Southern California, National University of Taiwan, and Chinese University of Hong Kong join the lecture. Students from five graduate schools work in collaboration to produce short videos for global health issues. These videos are available at the website of APRU.

November 18, 2015

Professor Monique Sternin discussed positive deviance in the field and academic research.


Invited seminar by Professor Monique Sternin, Tufts University and Positive Deviance Initiative, was held on November 18 at Department of Community and Global Health. During the seminar, Professor Sternin discussed the differences between positive deviance approach that has been exercised in the field and positive deviance research as an academic study.

November 13-14, 2015

「ポジティブ・デビエンス実践ワークショップ」と公開セミナー「行動変容のためのポジティブ・デビエンス: 成果と可能性」を開催しました。
Learned positive deviance approach through practitioners' workshop and open seminar

渡辺鋼市郎氏(特活・栄養不良対策行動ネットワーク)、サム・スターニン氏(国際開発コンサルタント)、そしてモニク・スターニン氏(タフツ大学栄養科学政策大学院)を迎えました。また、ポジティブ・デビエンス手法の勉強会を日本国内で行っているPD Japanの皆様のご協力を得て実施致しました。

Department of Community and Global Health held the positive deviance workshop for practitioners on November 13, 2015 at the Medical Research and Education Building, the University of Tokyo. Positive deviance is a behavior change approach that focuses on people and organizations under unfavorable conditions and exercising good behaviors to bring about favorable outcomes. In particular, positive deviance approach is intended to discover and disseminate such good behaviors under people's ownership, not led by an expert. In the workshop, about 50 participants learned how to exercise positive deviance approach for problem solving in the community level. The workshop was facilitated by two long-term positive deviance practitioners, Mr. Koichiro Watanabe, Network for Action against Malnutrition, and Mr. Sam Sternin, a consultant in international development.

また、平成27年(2015年)11月14日(土)に、公開セミナー「行動変容のためのポジティブ・デビエンス: 成果と可能性」を開催しました。同セミナーでは、海外でのポジティブ・デビエンス手法の実践例と共に、日本国内でポジティブ・デビエンスと類似の手法を実践・研究されている例を学びました。当セミナーでは、ポジティブ・デビエンス手法の第一人者であるモニク・スターニン氏(タフツ大学栄養科学政策大学院)、ネパールで小児栄養改善にポジティブ・デビエンス手法を活用してきたアニルドラ・シャーマ氏(国連児童基金ネパール事務所)、認知症とともに活き活きとより良く生きるための実践手法を当事者と共に探し、紹介してきた岡田誠氏(富士通研究所)、高齢化の進む過疎地域でありながら近隣町村に比べて極端に自殺率の少ない「自殺希少地域」で自殺率の低さをもたらす要因を研究している岡壇氏(和歌山県立医科大学保健看護学部)の各氏にご登壇いただきました。また、当教室からは神馬征峰教授によるラオスでの非感染性疾患、菊地君与特任助教と大川純代特任研究員によるガーナの母子保健に対するポジティブ・デビエンス研究が紹介され、柴沼晃助教が司会を務めました。当日は、80人以上の皆様に参加いただき、ポジティブ・デビエンスに着目する意義や解決策の普及など、様々な議論が活発に交わされました。

Department of Community and Global Health held an open seminar "Seminar: Positive Deviance – Its concept, accomplishment, and perspective" from 13:00 to 17:30, November 14, at Conference Hall, 3rd Floor, Faculty of Medicine Bldg. No.2, Hongo Campus, the University of Tokyo. In the seminar, outstanding cases of positive deviance and its similar methods were introduced. Speakers included Ms. Monique Sternin (Positive Deviance Initiative and Tufts University), Mr. Anirudra Sharma (UNICEF Nepal Office), Mr. Makoto Okada (Fujitsu Laboratories), and Dr. Mayumi Oka (Wakayama Medical University). From Department of Community and Global Health, Professor Masamine Jimba presented a potential positive deviance case of non-communicable diseases in Lao PDR. Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi and Project Researcher Sumiyo Okawa introduced positive deviance case of maternal, newborn, and child health in Ghana. Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma chaired the seminar. During the seminar, approximately 80 participants discussed the relevance of positive deviance as a behavior change approach, its methods, and dissemination of behaviors found under positive deviance approach.

November 12, 2015

Research on infants' exposure to second hand smoke by Ms. Junko Saito and colleagues was covered in newspapers.

当教室博士課程学生斎藤順子さんらによる論文「'Only Fathers Smoking' Contributes the Most to Socioeconomic Inequalities: Changes in Socioeconomic Inequalities in Infants' Exposure to Second Hand Smoke over Time in Japan.」(PLoS One誌. 2015 Oct 2;10(10):e0139512)を紹介した記事が、岩手日報、下野新聞、上毛新聞、京都新聞、日本海新聞、山陰中央新報、山陽新聞、愛媛新聞、高知新聞、長崎新聞、佐賀新聞、熊本日日新聞、琉球新報の各紙に掲載されました。熊本日日新聞には、2015年11月22日付で「赤ちゃんの受動喫煙、被害に格差 両親の所得・学歴が影響」として紹介されています。

These articles were based on the recent research by Ms. Junko Saito, a Ph.D. candidate of Department of Community and Global Health, and others entitled "'Only Fathers Smoking' Contributes the Most to Socioeconomic Inequalities: Changes in Socioeconomic Inequalities in Infants' Exposure to Second Hand Smoke over Time in Japan."

November 2-3, 2015

Assistant Professor Shibanuma made oral and poster presentations on Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research.

2015年10月31~4日に米国シカゴ市で開催された143回米国公衆衛生学会年次大会(143rd American Public Health Association Annual Meeting)では、口頭発表部門において、柴沼助教が「Paradox of care seeking behavior in maternal, neonatal, and child health: Socio-economic status, choice of facilities, and continuum of care」と題した発表を行いました。柴沼助教の発表では、より経済的に恵まれている女性が民間の保健施設において妊婦健診を受診する傾向がある一方、民間の保健施設で受診した女性は他の施設での受診者に比べて施設分娩の利用率や産後健診の受診率が高くないことを示しました。また、柴沼助教は、継続ケア達成の地域格差に焦点を当てた研究「Dual analysis of the continuum of care in maternal, neonatal, and child health in Ghana」を同大会でポスター発表しました。

In 143rd Annual Meeting of American Public Health Association held in Chicago, the United States, one of the world largest public health conferences, Assistant Professor Shibanuma made an oral presentation entitled “Paradox of care seeking behavior in maternal, neonatal, and child health: Socio-economic status, choice of facilities, and continuum of care.” This study presented that women with higher socio-economic status were more likely to receive antenatal care at a private health facility. However, it also found that the visitors to a private health facility were paradoxically less likely to delivery attended by skilled birth attendant and receive postnatal care. He also made a poster presentation on “Dual analysis of the continuum of care in maternal, neonatal, and child health in Ghana,” which focused on regional differences in achieving continuum of care.

October 18-21, 2015

Assistant Professor Shibanuma and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa made presentations on Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research

2015年10月18~21日にメキシコ・シティーにて開催された世界母子保健会議(Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference)において、大川特任研究員が、ガーナ保健サービス実施機関(Ghana Health Service)のアブラハム・ホジソン研究開発課長、エブリン・アンサー研究開発課長補佐、マーガレット・ギャポンドドワ保健研究センター長とともに、同会議のMarketplace of ideas部門において、「Continuum of Care Card: One-Page Innovation to Improve Maternal Care Seeking Behavior」と題する発表を行いました。この発表では、世界各国の母子保健専門家に対して、ガーナ EMBRACE実施研究で使用している「継続ケアカード(CoCカード)」を紹介しました。
また、世界母子保健会議のポスター発表部門において、柴沼助教が「New Methods to Assess Regional Differences in Continuum of Care from the Point of View of Women and Healthcare Providers」と題した発表を行いました。この発表では、継続ケアの達成度を測定するための新たな指標を提案し、複数の指標で測定した結果、ほとんどの母子が継続的にケアを受けられていないことを示しました。

At the Global Maternal Newborn Health Conference (GMNHC) 2015 in Mexico City, from October 18 to 21, 2015, Dr. Sumiyo Okawa made a marketplace-of-ideas presentation together with three senior researchers from Ghana Health Service, namely, Dr. Abraham Hodgson, Dr. Evelyn Ansah, and Dr. Margaret Gyapong. This presentation, entitled “Continuum of Care Card: One-Page Innovation to Improve Maternal Care Seeking Behavior,” introduced a check list of 25 items of antenatal and postnatal care, delivery care, health education, birth preparedness, and the examination of complications that women and infants receive from health workers during the pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum stages.

During GMNHC 2015, Assistant Professor Shibanuma presented his research entitled “New Methods to Assess Regional Differences in Continuum of Care from the Point of View of Women and Healthcare Providers” as a poster presentation. This study proposed two simple measurement of continuum of care in maternal and newborn health. It showed that most women and infants did not comply with continuum of care.

October 20, 2015

Professor Jimba was elected as President-Elect for the APACPH (Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health).


APACPH Election 2015 was conducted during the 47th APACPH General Assembly in Bandung, Indonesia on 20 October 2015 and Professor Jimba was elected as President-Elect for the APACPH.

September 15-17, 2015

第9回母子手帳国際会議にて大川特任研究員がガーナ国保健サービス機関のDr. Margaret Gyapongとともに発表を行いました。
Dr. Sumiyo Okawa made a presentation on an innovative tool to enhance continuum of care at 9th International Conference on Maternal and Child Health Handbook in Cameroon.

大川純代特任研究員は、2015年9月15-17日にカメルーンのヤウンデで開催された第9回母子手帳国際会議に、ガーナ国保健サービス機関の副総裁Margaret Gyapong博士とともに参加しました。Gyapong博士と大川特任研究員は、「One-page innovation in MCH Handbook in Ghana」と題した発表を行いました。同発表では、当教室が実施しているガーナEMBRACE実施研究で開発した「CoC(継続ケア)カード」について、同カードにより母子と保健従事者の双方が継続ケアに関する理解を深め、母子保健サービスを継続受診できるようになったことを紹介しました。
Dr. Sumiyo Okawa participated in 9th International Conference on Maternal and Child Health Handbook, held between September 15 and 17 at Yaoundé, Cameroon, together with Dr. Margaret Gyapong, Deputy Director General, Ghana Health Service. During the conference, Dr. Gyapong and Dr. Okawa made a presentation titled "One-page innovation in MCH Handbook in Ghana." This presentation focused on CoC (continuum of care) Card, which was developed by Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research Project. During the presentation, Dr. Gyapong and Dr. Okawa introduced how this simple card enhanced the understanding and behavior change related to continuum of care both among women and health workers.

July 17-22, 2015

Assistant Professor Kikuchi and Dr. Okawa participated in 7th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics and the 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention in Vancouver.

菊地君与特任助教と大川純代特任研究員は2015年7月17-18日にカナダのバンクーバーで開催された小児HIVに関する第7回国際ワークショップと、同年7月19-22日に開催された第8回国際エイズ会議に参加しました。大川特任研究員は、両会議において"I want to be called daddy": needs assessment of sexual and reproductive health among perinatally infected adolescents in Zambiaと題したポスター発表を行いました。

Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa participated in 7th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics on July 17-18, 2015 and the 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention on July 19-22, 2015 in Vancouver. During the conferences, Dr. Okawa made a poster presentation on her recent research, "I want to be called daddy": needs assessment of sexual and reproductive health among perinatally infected adolescents in Zambia.

July 4-5, 2015

Professor Masamine Jimba made oral presentations during the annual meeting of Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion.


In the 24th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion, Professor Jimba, together with Assistant Professor Yukako Komasa, Dokkyo Medical University, made 4 oral presentations on the reserach related to the the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident in 2011 and its public health consequence.

June 23-25, 2015

Professor Jimba, Assistant Professors Nanishi, Shibanuma and Kikuchi, and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the researchers' meeting for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research.

神馬征峰教授、名西恵子助教、柴沼晃助教、菊地君与特任助教と大川純代特任研究員は、外務省及び独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)からの依頼を受け実施している「ガーナEMBRACE実施研究」の研究者会議に参加しました。2015年6月23~25日に開催された同会議には、ガーナ国保健サービス機関総裁のDr. Ebenezer Appiah-DenkyeraとJICA人間開発部の瀧澤郁雄次長の他、日本とガーナの研究者と保健行政の実務者が参加しました。同会議では、昨年10月から実施している母子保健サービス改善に関する介入の実施状況をモニタリングするとともに、介入期間終了後に実施する政策提言やインパクト評価調査などに関する検討を行いました。また、6月23日には、名西助教と菊地特任助教が統計解析結果のプレゼンテーションに関するセミナー、柴沼助教が統計モデル作成にあたっての課題に関するセミナーをそれぞれ実施しました。

Professor Masamine Jimba, Assistant Professor Keiko Nanishi, Assitant Professor Akira Shibanuma, 菊地君与特任助教, and 大川純代特任研究員 joined the steering committee meeting on June 23 - 25, 2015 for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research, funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The steering committee meeting was presided by Dr. Ebenezer Appiah-Denkyera, Director General of Ghana Health Service, and Mr. Ikuo Takizawa, Deputy Director General, Human Development Department, JICA. During the meeting, researchers discussed policy implications from the intervention that the research has carries out since October 2014 and impact evaluation after the end of the intervention period. On June 23, Assistant Professors Nanishi and Kikuchi held a seminar session for the presentation of statistical analysis results and Assistant Professor Shibanuma had a seminar session for statistical model building.

May 27-28, 2015

Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma participated in National Health Research Dissemination Symposium in Ghana.

ガーナ保健省は、米国国際援助庁(USAID)ガーナEvaluation for Healthプロジェクトと共催で、2015年5月27日と28日に「保健研究成果普及シンポジウム」を開催しました。柴沼晃助教は、当教室が取り組んでいるガーナEMBRACE実施研究プロジェクトについてガーナ保健サービス機関のエブリン・アンサー博士が実施した発表の共著者として同シンポジウムに参加しました。同シンポジウムは、「Ending Preventive Child and Maternal Deaths in Ghana」と題して母子保健に関する多くの研究発表が行われました。

Ministry of Health in Ghana held National Health Research Dissemination Symposium in collaboration with Ghana Evaluation for Health Project for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on May 27 and 28, 2015. Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma participated in the symposium as a co-author of the research presentation for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research by Dr Evelyn Ansah, Ghana Health Service. The symposium, entitled Ending Preventive Child and Maternal Deaths in Ghana, had oral poster presentations for maternal and child health research done in Ghana.

May 11-12, 2015

Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi presented “Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research” in Ghana Health Summit.


The Ghana Health Summit was held in Accra from 11 to 15 May 2015. On behalf of the Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research Project Team, Dr. Abraham Hodgson (Ghana Health Service) and Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi presented the project activities at the Summit. The Ghana Health Summit has been held every year by the Ghanaian Ministry of Health, which is one of the most important conferences of national health policy. Although the health policy need reconsideration to mitigate the raise in health insurance costs, the project team advocated prioritizing maternal and child health which support primary health care in Ghana.

April 26-May 1, 2015



April 25, 2015

Professor Masamine Jimba made a speech in a symposium held by Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JIPWEN)

2015年4月25日に群馬県立大学昭和キャンパスミレニアムホール(群馬県前橋市)で行われた日本インタープロフェッショナル教育機関(JIPWEN)シンポジウム「Access the effectiveness of IPE」に神馬教授がパネリストとして出席し、“Strengthening IPE: more science or more art?”と題して講演しました。

On April 25, 2015, Japan Interprofessional Working and Education Network (JIPWEN) held a symposium entitled "Access the effectiveness of IPE"at Gunma University. Professor Jimba participated in the symposium as a panelist and gave a speech entitled “Strengthening IPE: more science or more art?”

April 11-12, 2015

Professor Jimba made an invited speech during the First National Summit of Health and Population Scientists in Nepal.

神馬征峰教授は、ネパール保健研究評議会(NHRC) によりネパール・カトマンズで開催される「第1回ネパール保健人口科学者会議」にて、「尊厳と保健:臨床診療から公衆衛生活動へ」と題した招待講演を行いました。また、セッション「環境保健と熱帯病」にて議長を務めます。同会議は、ネパール国家保健計画2014に基づき、エビデンスに基づく保健政策の意思決定を促進する目的で開催されました。

Professor Masamine Jimba made an invited speech entitled "Dignity and health: from clinical practice to public health action" during the First National Summit of Health and Population Scientists in Nepal, held by Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC). Professor Jimba also chaired the session "Environmental Health and Tropical Diseases" in the meeting. This meeting was held based on the National Health Policy of Nepal, which encourages health and population scientists and practitioners to conduct research on health for informed decision making.

March 25, 2015

Professor Jimba received Healthy Society Awards as the distinguished educator for his global research and educational activities.


Professor Masamine Jimba received the 11th Healthy Society Awards, co-hosted by Japan Nursing Association and Johnson & Johnson. Professor Jimba has been named in the awards as the distinguished educator for health professionals worldwide who can represent the voices from vulnerable people by bridging research, policy formulation, and practices.

The link is Prime Minister's message during the award ceremony.

(安倍晋三内閣総理大臣、他の受賞者の皆様とともに。With Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and other award winners.)

(プレゼンターの日野原重明先生とともに。With Dr. Shigeaki Hinohara.)

March 24, 2015

One Ph.D student and 5 master students completed their studies.


We are pleased to announce that Dr. Bruno Sunguya successfully completed his Ph.D. study and that 5 master students, Mr. Do An Dong, Ms. Hiroko Makino, Ms. Maulida Rizka, Mr. Ong Ken Ing Cherng, and Ms. Wai Kyi Mar, received Master of Science in Health Sciences.

March 18, 2015

UTokyo - Khon Kaen Univeristy Global Health Seminar was held to discuss global health issues from the community perspective.

コンケン大学からPannee Banchonhattakit准教授をはじめ47名の教職員と大学院生が来日したのに合わせ、当教室では「東大-コンケン大学国際保健セミナー」を本学医学部教育研究棟にて開催しました。セミナーでは、当教室が独立行政法人国際協力機構ガーナ保健サービス機関とともに実施している「EMBRACE実施研究」を菊地君与特任助教が紹介した他、博士課程学生の北村尭子さんが東日本大震災と福島第一原子力発電所事故後の高齢者福祉について、修士課程学生のKen OngさんがカンボジアのHIV陽性者孤児のうつ症状について、それぞれ研究発表を行いました。コンケン大学からも、修士課程の学生が「村落における知識と智慧を活用した健康教育」「食品市場における食品検査の普及」「コンケン病院における救急治療における情報通信技術の活用」に関する発表を行い、活発な議論が交わされました。
Department of Community and Global Health held "UTokyo - Khon Kaen University Global Health Seminar" on March 18, 2015 at the University of Tokyo. 47 participants from Khon Kaen University led by Associate Professor Pannee Banchonhattakit joined the seminar. Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi made a presentation on Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research and its implications on the global health policy of the Government of Japan. Ms. Akiko Kitamura, a Ph.D. candidate, presented her on-going research on elderlies in Fukushima after Great Tohoku Earthquake and the following meltdown of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Plants. Mr. Ken Org introduced his recent analysis on depressive symptoms among orphans living with HIV/AIDS. From Khon Kaen University, three presentations were made: health education for villagers using local knowledge and wisdom, the development of a standard food market in Thailand, and Telemedicine service in Khon Kaen Hospital.

February 11-13, 2015

Professor Jimba, Assistant Professors Yasuoka, Nanishi, and Kikuchi, and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the research meeting for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research.


Professor Masamine Jimba, Assitant Professor Junko Yasuoka, Assistant Professor Keiko Nanishi, Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi, and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the research meeting on February 11-13, 2015, for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research, funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). In the meeting, researchers from Japan and Ghana examined the monitoring results of the intervention commenced in October 2014, reviewed the manuscripts, and discussed future research agenda.

January 27, 2015

Prominent Ghanaian health administrators and researchers made presentations during the special lecture "Community Health in Ghana: from Research to Policy."

Department of Community and Global Health held the special lecture "Community Health in Ghana: from Research to Policy" on January 27, 2015 at Ito International Research Center, the University of Tokyo. In this lecture, Dr. Gloria Quansah-Asare, Deputy Director, Ghana Health Service (GHS) made a presentation on how the interventions tested in community health research were later incorporated into national health policy and guidelines in Ghana. Dr. Evelyn Ansah, Deputy Director, Research and Development Division, GHS introduced the Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research, which has been co-implemented by GHS and the Department.

January 25, 2015

Professor Masamine Jimba made a presentation on lessons learned from advocacy efforts on HIV/AIDS during the seminar organized by Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion.

Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion (JSHEP) held the seminar "From reseach and practice to advocacy" on January 15, 2015 at Komagome Campus, Kagawa Education Institute of Nutrition. During the seminar, Professor Masamine Jimba made a presentation entitled "Lesson learned from advocacy on HIV/AIDS." Following the presentation, Professor Jimba participated in the panel discussion on the role of JSHEP on advocating its research and practices.

December 15 and 29, 2014

Mahidol-UTokyo Global Health Seminar was held on December 15 and 29, 2014. From Graduate School of Public Health, Mahidol University, 27 staff, 17 students, and 2 administrative officers participated in the seminar and made presentations on public health issues and research outcomes.


November 18-20, 2014

Professor Jimba, Assistant Professors Shibanuma and Kikuchi, and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the steering committee meeting for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research.

神馬征峰教授柴沼晃助教、菊地君与特任助教と大川純代特任研究員は、外務省及び独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)からの依頼を受け実施している「ガーナEMBRACE実施研究」のステアリング・コミッティ会議に参加しました。2014年11月19日に開催された同会議には、ガーナ国保健サービス機関総裁のDr. Ebenezer Appiah-DenkyeraとJICA人間開発部の米山芳春次長の他、日本とガーナの研究者と保健行政の実務者が参加しました。同会議において、神馬教授は本年10月より実施している介入研究に関するプロトコルを、菊地特任助教は介入研究の実施状況についてそれぞれ発表しました。また、柴沼助教は、同介入研究のベースライン調査結果について発表しました。11月19日、20日には研究進捗状況のレビュー会議が開催され、本学からは菊地特任助教と大川特任研究員が発表しました。

Professor Masamine Jimba, Assitant Professor Akira Shibanuma, Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi, and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the steering committee meeting on November 19, 2014, for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research, funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The steering committee meeting was presided by Dr. Ebenezer Appiah-Denkyera, Director General of Ghana Health Service, and Mr. Yoshiharu Yoneyama, Deputy Director General, Human Development Department, JICA. During the meeting, Professor Jimba made a presentation on the protocol of the intervention study under Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research and Assistant Professor Kikuchi reported early implementation of the intervention. Assistant Professor Shibanuma reported the preliminary result of the baseline survey of the intervention.

November 15, 2014

Professor Masamine Jimba joined the panel session at a symposium held by Japan Toilet Labo.

神馬征峰教授は、(特活)日本トイレ研究所主催の「トイレに、愛を。フォーラム2014」にて、「【トイレトーク】 世界をもてなすトイレプロジェクト2020『だれもが使いやすいトイレをめざして、声をあつめよう!』」のコメンテーターを務めました。

November 7, 2014

Professor Masamine Jimba made a guest speaker presentation at the 73rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health. Ms. Akiko Kitamura reported her joint studies with Nihonmatsu City during the Meeting.



  1. 福島第一原発事故後の二本松市における内部被ばくの実態と要因
  2. 福島第一原発事故後の居住地域における小中学生の外部被ばく線量推移と行動要因の検討
  3. 福島県二本松市における自家消費用食品の放射能リスク評価 -内部被ばく予防への示唆-

During the 73rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health (from 5 to 7 November, 2014) held in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, Professor Jimba made a guest speaker presentation on 7 November. Its title was:
'Global health and power: collaboration or non-collaboration?'

Ms. Akiko Kitamura, a Ph.D. candidate who worked together with the Department of Health Promotion, Nihonmatsu City in Fukushima, presented the following studies as a co-author.

  1. Factors Associated with Internal Exposure to Radiation in Nihonmatsu City after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
  2. Changes in the Level of External Exposure over Time among Elementary and Middle School Students after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident
  3. Risk Assessment of Radiation Contamination in Food for Personal Consumption in Nihonmatsu City, Fukushima


October 27-31, 2014

神馬征峰教授がアジア太平洋保健人材連盟(AAAH) 主催のワークショップ「The 8th Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health Conference: "Move Ahead: Strengthening HRH Strategies and Action Towards UHC in Post 2015 Era"」で研究発表を行いました。
Professor Jimba made presentations at The 8th Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health (AAAH) Conference: “Move Ahead: Strengthening HRH Strategies and Action Towards UHC in Post 2015 Era” in Weihai, China.

2014年10月27日から31日まで、アジア太平洋保健人材連盟 (Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health (AAAH))主催の第8回会議が中国・威海市で開催されました。神馬教授は以下のセッションで講演しました。

  1. Plenary Session III: Reforming of health professional education to produce competent health personnel related to population health needs and health systems. Lead Speaker: Masamine Jimba on ‘Reforming Professional Education for Successful Outcomes under Limited Evidence.’
  2. Plenary Session IV: Inter-sessional activities to generate policy-relevant research in HRH. Speaker: Masamine Jimba on ‘The Strength of AAAH for the Capacity Building of HRH Research and Policy Making.’


  1. Parallel Session V:How to integrate health systems context to health profession education design: country experiences.

The Asia-Pacific Action Alliance on Human Resources for Health (AAAH) held its 8th annual conference
in Weihai, China from October 27 to 31, 2014. Professor Jimba made the following presentations during the conference.

  1. Plenary Session III: Reforming of health professional education to produce competent health personnel related to population health needs and health systems. Lead Speaker: Masamine Jimba on ‘Reforming Professional Education for Successful Outcomes under Limited Evidence.’
  2. Plenary Session IV: Inter-sessional activities to generate policy-relevant research in HRH. Speaker: Masamine Jimba on ‘The Strength of AAAH for the Capacity Building of HRH Research and Policy Making.’

Professor Jimba also served as a moderator of the following panel.

  1. Parallel Session V:How to integrate health systems context to health profession education design: country experiences.


October 21-28, 2014

Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa made field visit of the study sites for the intervention research for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research.


Assistant Professor Shibanumaand Dr. Okawa made their field visit of the study sites in Dodowa, Kintampo, and Navrongo in Ghana. This visit was for the supervision of the intervention research done under EMBRACE Implementation Research, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency. The intervention was designed to ensure that women and infants could receive timely and appropriate services during the pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum stages.

October 17-19, 2014

神馬征峰教授、名西恵子助教、菊池君与特任助教、北村尭子さんが「第46回アジア太平洋公衆衛生大学院連合会議」(The 46th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health: APACPH)に参加しました。
Professor Masamine Jimba, Assistant Professors Keiko Nanishi and Kimiyo Kikuchi, and Akiko Kitamura attended The 46th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH).

2014年10月17日から19日まで、アジア太平洋公衆衛生専門家会議(APACPH)第46回会合がマレーシアのクアラルンプールで開催されました。神馬教授は、同会議の運営委員会メンバー及びグローバルヘルスのシンポジウムの座長を務めました。また、ユニバーサルへルスカバレッジのシンポジウムにおいて、”Overcoming Post-Universal Health Coverage Challenges”と題する講演を行い、国民皆保険制度実現後に生じ得る諸問題への対応について準備しておくべきことを問題提起しました。

博士課程の北村さんは、”Radiation and Post-Disaster Food Safety: Examples from Iitate Village in the Deliberate Evacuation Area in Fukushima, Japan”と題したポスター発表を行い、原発事故後の福島県における住民の活動と、食の安全確保の取り組みについて紹介しました。このポスターは学会の最優秀ポスターの一つとして最終日に表彰されました。

さらに、本教室を修了したカンボジアのSiyan Yiさんが、”Scaling-up Sexual Reproductive Health among Female Entertainment Workers in Cambodia: The Sustainable Action against HIV and AIDS in Communities (SAHACOM)”と題したポスター発表を行い、小正裕佳子さんが”Determinants of Internal Exposure to Radiation among Residents in Fukushima, Japan: Implications for Radiation Protection in the Post-disaster Period”と題した口頭発表を行いました。また、この学会参加についての小正さんによるオピニオン記事が、新潟日報10月25日「興論 風の案内人」に掲載されました。

The 46th Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health (APACPH) was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia between October 17 and 19, 2014. Professor Jimba served as steering committee member of the conference and as a chair in the Global Health Symposium. He also presented, in the Universal Health Coverage Symposium, "Overcoming Post-Universal Health Coverage Challenges" to address issues that may arise after achieving UHC and recommend countermeasures to overcoming them.

Akiko Kitamura, our PhD candidate, presented a poster titled "Radiation and Post-Disaster Food Safety: Examples from Iitate Village in the Deliberate Evacuation Area in Fukushima, Japan" to introduce community-based activities in Fukushima and measures to establish food safety in areas contaminated by radiation. The poster earned her Best Poster Award, which was presented on the final day of the conference.

Graduates of the department also presented at the conference. Dr. Yi Siyan from Cambodia presented a poster titled "Scaling-up Sexual Reproductive Health among Female Entertainment Workers in Cambodia: The Sustainable Action against HIV and AIDS in Communities (SAHACOM)", and Yukako Komasa presented "Determinants of Internal Exposure to Radiation among Residents in Fukushima, Japan: Implications for Radiation Protection in the Post-disaster Period."

October 15, 2014

Professor Jimba posted an article about maternal and child health handbook on Yomiuri Shimbun Newspaper on October 15, 2014 (in Japanese).


September 24-27, 2014

神馬征峰教授と安岡潤子講師が環太平洋大学協会主催のワークショップ「2014 APRU Global Health Program Workshop」で研究発表を行いました。
Professor Jimba and Assistant Professor Yasuoka made presentations at 2014 APRU Global Health Program Workshop in Taipei, Taiwan.

2014年9月24日から27日まで、環太平洋大学協会(Association of Pacific Rim Universities; APRU)国際保健プログラム(APRU Global Health Program)主催のワークショップが台湾・台北市の国立台湾大学公衆衛生学院で開催されました。神馬教授は同ワークショップにおいて運営委員会のメンバーを務めたほか、「母子保健における継続ケアの強化:ガーナEMBRACEイニシアチブ(Strengthening continuum of care for maternal, newborn and child health: EMBRACE Initiative in Ghana)」と題する発表を行いました(共同発表者:菊地君与特任助教)。安岡講師は、「国際保健教育に関する特別発表(Special Presentations on Global Health Education)」と題するセッションで共同モデレーターを務めたほか、感染症に関するパネルで「カンボジアにおける地域主体のマラリアプロジェクトを通じた国際保健研究教育(Global health research and education through community-based malaria project in Cambodia)」という発表を行いました。
2014 APRU Global Health Program Workshop, organized by APRU Global Health Program, Association of Pacific Rim Universities, was held at College of Public Health, National Taiwan University. Professor Jimba served as a steering committee member at the workshop and made a presentation on "Strengthening continuum of care for maternal, newborn and child health: EMBRACE Initiative in Ghana." Assistant Professor Yasuoka introduced her research through the presentation on "Global health research and education through community-based malaria project in Cambodia" while she served as a co-moderator at the session, Special Presentations on Global Health Education.

August 24, 2014

Assistant Professor Nanishi and Ms. Hongo organized a breastfeeding seminar titled "Ethics for Breastfeeding Support Specialist."

2014年8月24日(日)10-14時 東京大学医学図書館333号室にて、「母乳育児支援専門家としての倫理セミナー」を開催しました。講師を名西助教と本郷寛子氏(博士課程)が務めました。
講演内容は、(1) 国際保健の観点からみた「母乳代用品のマーケティングに関する国際規準」、(2) 母乳育児研究を行う際の倫理、(3) IBCLC(国際認定ラクテーションコンサルタント)のための倫理について、でした。助産師、看護師、医師、大学教員など約45名の方々にご参加ただき活発なディスカッションがなされました。赤ちゃんや子どもさん連れの方々にもご参加いただき、和やかなセミナーとなりました。
Department of Community and Global health organized a breastfeeding seminar titled "Ethics for Breastfeeding Support Specialist" on 24 August, 2014 (10:00-14:00) at Medical Library of the University of Tokyo. The lecturers were Assistant Professor Nanishi and Ms. Hiroko Hongo (doctoral student). The seminar had three sessions: "What is the International Code of Marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes?" "Research Ethics for Breastfeeding Research" and "The Code of Ethics for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant." About 45 health professionals (midwives, nurses, physicians, and university professors) actively participated in the seminar. Some participants attended with their babies and children. The seminar ended in a friendly atmosphere.

August 11-12, 2014

Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the master trainers training for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research.

Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the master trainers training for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research, funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The training was held in Accra, Ghana, from August 11 to 12, 2014. Participants were the representatives from Regional Health Administration (RHA) and District Health Management Team (DHMT). As one of the interventions of Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research scheduled to start later this year, health service providers and their District/sub-district level supervisors (DHMT or sub-district health management team members) will receive training on the interventions that ensure continuum of care. The master trainers will become trainers of these training. Through the master trainers training, they understood how to teach the interventions by using PowerPoint slides and new intervention tools.

July 18, 2014

Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research was introduced at an expert conference for global health from China, Japan, and South Korea.

"Women and Children in Global Public Health ODA: China, Japan and South Korea," an expert conference for global health, was conducted in Seoul, South Korea on July 18, 2014. During the conference, "Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research" was introduced as one of the contributions by the Government of Japan in global health to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
Press release by Ewha Women's University (Korean Language)

July 14-17, 2014

Professor Jimba, Assistant Professor Nanishi, Assistant Professor Shibanuma, and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the workshop for intervention planning and research for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research.

The workshop for EMBRACE Implementation Research, funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), was held at Accra, Ghana, from July 14 to 17, 2014. Professor Jimba, Assistant Professor Nanishi, Assistant Professor Shibanuma, and Dr. Okawa participated in the workshop and discussed the progress of preparation for the intervention study to be commenced later this year. Together with health officers from district health management teams in the intervention area and researchers from Ghana Health Service, staff and consultants from JICA, we developed a tool that encourage women to receive appropriate and timely MNCH care, training material for health workers, and questionnaire for the impact evaluation of the intervention. During the workshop, analyses of the formative research were discussed, including systematic review led by Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi, research on equity in continuum of care of Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health by Assistant Professor Shibanuma, and the determinants of adverse outcomes among infants by Dr. Okawa.

July 1, 2014


Message from Professor Jimba (in Japanese) was uploaded to the website of Japanese Society of Health Education and Promotion.

June 23-25, 2014

Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the workshop for intervention planning for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research.


Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi and Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joined the workshop for EMBRACE Implementation Research funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency. Department of Community and Global Health is working with Ghana Health Service for an intervention in rural Ghana that aims at ensuring mothers and infants receive maternal, neonatal, and child care continuously throughout the pregnancy, delivery, and post-delivery stages.

June 14-26, 2014

Professor Jimba and Assist. Professor Shibanuma held a series of lectures and workshop for public health officers from 5 African countries.


Professor Masamine Jimba and Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma joined the training program of "Evidence-based Public Health Planning" held by JICA Okinawa from July 14 to 26, 2014 as lecturers. Department of Community and Global Health has involved in the planning and implementation of the training program since 2012, in collaboration with Graduate School of Health Sciences and Graduate School of Medicine, University of the Ryukyus.

In the training program, 10 public health officers from five African countries (Kenya, Malawi, Swaziland, Tanzania, and Zambia) and five graduate students from University of the Ryukyus and the University of Tokyo participated. The participants learned the concept of evidence-based public health planning and discussed how global evidence can be applied locally. They also interviewed doctors and public health officers in Miyako and Tarama Islands about challenges in the health system and the experiences of past public health efforts, including controlling Malaria and Filariasis. At the end of the training, they developed and presented public health plans for local public health issues that participants face. Under the planning process, they used systematic reviews and other forms of evidence on the effectiveness of possible measures against the problem and proposed feasible implementation strategies that address local contexts.

June 1, 2014

Dr. Sumiyo Okawa joins the Department of Community and Global Health as a project researcher as of June 1, 2014.

大川特任研究員は、ガーナにおいて「EMBRACE実施研究」の介入実施及び管理を担当します。「EMBRACE実施研究」は、国際地域保健学教室が外務省及び独立行政法人国際協力機構からの依頼を受け、ガーナ国政府保健サービス機関(Ghana Health Service, GHS)及びGHS傘下の3カ所の保健研究センター(Health Research Centres)とともに実施している母子保健研究です。
Dr. Okawa is in charge of the implementation of a set of interventions under Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research. This research project is a maternal, neonatal, and child health research conducted by Department of Community and Global Health in collaboration with Ghana Health Service and its three Health Research Centres, funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency.

May 31, 2014

Professor Masamine Jimba presented "Health and Human Security" at the workshop organized by Health and Human Security Project (HHPS), Institute for Advanced Global Studies, the University of Tokyo.

同ワークショップは、東京⼤学⼤学院総合文化研究科 グローバル地域研究機構 持続的開発研究センターが主催する「保健分野実務者 連続ワークショップ」の第1回として、駒場キャンパス18号館にて5月31日13:00~15:30に開催されました。

May 29, 2014

Professor Masamine Jimba was elected as Executive Director of Japan Society of Health Education and Promotion.


Japan Society of Health Education and Promotion was established in 1991for enriching, promoting, and disseminating Health Education and Promotion in Japan.
May 28, 2014
Green Tara Nepal 代表のRam Chandra Silwal氏が来日し、当教室で講演を行いました。
Dr. Ram Chandra Silwal, Director of the Green Tara Nepal, held a special lecture.
Green Tara Nepalはネパールの母子保健向上のためユニークなプロジェクトを行っています。講演では、このプロジェクトで活用されている母親向けの啓発教材が紹介されました。
Green Tara Nepal is a non-governmental organization that has been working for improving maternal and child health in Nepal since 2007. In the lecture, Dr. Silwal introduced health promotion materials for mothers that his team developed.

May 21, 2014

コロンビア大学公衆衛生学研究科Margaret E. Kruk准教授が来日し、当教室にて学生とグローバルヘルスに関する意見交換セッションを行いました。
Dr. Margaret E. Kruk, Associate Professor of Health Policy and Management, Columbia University, made a special lecture.

During her lecture, Dr. Kruk introduced her research on the coverage and quality of health care in Tanzania. From our department, Professor Jimba, Dr. Kikuchi, Dr. Sunguya, and Dr. Mlunde made presentations on our recent research.

April 10, 2014

ペルーで開催された「de la evidencia a la práctica en Medicina」において、神馬征峰教授が保健と「人間の安全保障」と保健人材に関する招待講演を行いました。
Professor Masamine Jimba made two invited lectures on health and human security and human resource for health at the conference "de la evidencia a la práctica en Medicina" at Lima, Peru.

At the conference, Professor Jimba presented the following topics.
"Post-2015 MDGs: the expected roles of health professionals"
"Health and human security movement in Latin America"

April 9, 2014

Our new website has been launched.


April 1, 2014

New master and PhD students joined us!

Nine master students, two PhD students, and a research student join the department in April 2014. Currently the department has 19 PhD students, 15 master students and a research student. Students are from Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Tanzania, Turkey, the United States, and Vietnam.

March 27, 2014

Professor Masamine Jimba presented the positive deviant approach for solving malnutrition at the symposium organized by Japan Society for Tropical Agriculture.

Professor Jimba made an invited lecture on the positive deviant approach for solving malnutrition in developing countries at the symposium "Collaboration between agricultural sciences and medical sciences for solving nutrition issues in developing countries" during the 115th sessions of Japan Society for Tropical Agriculture.

February 19, 2014

Professor Masamine Jimba, Assistant Professor Akira Shibanuma, Assistant Professor Kimiyo Kikuchi, and Dr Sumiyo Okawa joined the research workshop for Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research

ワークショップでは、柴沼助教が「Measuring quality gap in the Continuum of Care in Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health in Ghana (ガーナの母子保健継続ケアにおける質的ギャップの測定)」、大川特任研究員が「Importance of Continuum of Care for healthy birth and neonatal period (健康な出生及び新生児期のための継続ケアの重要性)」と題した研究発表を行いました。菊地特任助教は、同実施研究で2014年から実施する介入研究の研究プロトコルに関する発表を行いました。
Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research is a maternal, neonatal, and child health research conducted by Department of Community and Global Health in collaboration with Ghana Health Service and its three Health Research Centres, funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Japan International Cooperation Agency. At the workshop, Assistant Professor Shibanuma presented "Measuring quality gap in the Continuum of Care in Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health in Ghana" and Dr. Okawa presented "Importance of Continuum of Care for healthy birth and neonatal period" based on the analysis of the formative research of Ghana EMBRACE Implementation Research. Assistant Professor Kikuchi discussed the research protocol for the intervention study to be commenced in 2014.